Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] is [verb] " in BNC.

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31 I mean perhaps it could take the form of Adult Attendance Centres , but erm we need something which is seen to be punitive but which falls sort of full deprivation of erm liberty .
32 Superfluidity is something which is seen so far in two liquids .
33 The first is that welfare is a characteristic of an individual ; it is not something which is given to it by somebody else .
34 This demonstrates that the combination of ‘ amenities ’ which constitutes the rural environment is what Fred Hirsch , in his book The Social Limits to Growth , calls a ‘ positional good ’ — that is , something which is fixed in supply and whose consumption is dependent upon one 's position in society .
35 The passive evokes perception resultatively and not operationally and calls for a representation of the phenomenon perceived as a fact , the knowledge and assertion of which is a consequence of perception having taken place , rather than as something which is followed instant-by-instant by means of the operation of the sense faculties .
36 Then , after a bit , it becomes not something unacceptable , but something accepted or at least something which is demonstrated to be not out of the question .
37 We 're talking about something which is bound by our expectations .
38 Something which is liked by the first person you show it to is likely to appeal to many more people .
39 In other words , it was appreciated that the appearance of an area develops from its function and the way it is built ; it is not something which is applied afterwards .
40 The process of change is not something which is done once and then stops .
41 Truth becomes a supplement , a substitute which replaces something which is missing .
42 I mean the one fear surely is that this is n't something which is happening on a , I was going to say a small local area , that 's perhaps exaggerating but it is in a at the moment in a confined locality , we know where it is , it 's not actually here and
43 God is not – puppeteer who controls us , otherwise a great deal of moral purpose would vanish from life , nor is the apprenticeship of suffering something which is willed upon us .
44 Much the same thing can be said of the to infinitive denoting something which is actualized as a consequence of causation ( cause , force , occasion , get , order , tell ) , assistance ( help ) , discovery ( find ) , daring , etc .
45 This suggests that with to the infinitive 's event is conceived as something which is known and attributed to someone as a result of experience .
46 Tobacco is not a food or drink but it is something which is taken into the body through the mouth ( and nose ) .
47 In proposing hypotheses , people are guided by knowledge of past failures , by analogies with theories that have been successful in handling related subject matters ; Peirce 's ‘ affinity ’ between mind and nature is an allusion to something which is required to explain the speed of the growth of knowledge ; and testing theories is an intentional activity which appeals to general cognitive aims — to describe reality , anticipate experience , solve problems , produce elegant and simple formalisms , etc .
48 It is crucial to the case that account is taken of something which is obscured by straightforward relative comparisons between countries around 1970 .
49 You may choose to use initials for something which is mentioned frequently or simply to write the first half of the word .
50 It 's not something which is introduced for the first time in nineteen forty eight but , but there is erm sort of another round of it erm and sort of the new dimension is that the , everybody 's name is published because until then you , you did n't er you did n't know who the Party members were .
51 But I think he 's a bit worried I read into this that there 's a current there where you know the peasants are getting very radical , our is we ca n't be too radical and therefore we need to issue something which is gon na .
52 Indeed , they are keen to advertise the fact by stamping their personalities on their home , something which is evidenced by looking at homes in Britain which have passed from public to private ownership .
53 The first one on our list tonight , ah , one seven nine , is for the young ladies that we 've just seen , with a production of their book , A Dog Called Mock , and I think that we er , talked about this , and asked them to come in , because we wanted to know the substance , and whether this thing was actually taking place , and what was , I , I , I do n't know what the rest of you feel , I think they made a fine presentation , and it 's obviously something which is going ahead , and I hope that some of you feel , we should reward initiative .
54 Now we all know that the problem of noise is something which is going to be very high on your agenda in the coming weeks .
55 We have a situation where the landowner is going to have to sell land relatively cheaply , in order that the land then , the land prices do not reflect too horrendously when it comes through to the price that has to be paid by the person who 's going to occupy the property ; either in terms of a letting figure or of something which is going to be an , effectively a mortgage figure .
56 Can something , but if they do n't do something which is suggested
57 That is , they make crystal clear something which is implied in The German Ideology , that the history of mankind is governed by the same processes in all times , and that the main one of these processes is class conflict .
58 Mercifully , these days , it 's easier to avoid costly mistakes by splashing out on a large bottle of something which is transformed into ‘ Eau de Old Socks ’ by your skin 's individual chemistry : if you ask politely in department stores , many perfume houses gladly hand out miniature sample vials of their wares , enabling you to make up your mind away from the high-pressure squirtings of over-zealous tester-bottle-wielders .
59 Do not imagine that Art is something which is designed to give gentle uplift and self-confidence .
60 But he says again that we should n't move the trees simply for something which is meant to fit in nature does n't always fit in .
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