Example sentences of "[pron] [that] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're quite certain you said nothing that might make him suspect ? ’
2 The broom was there , sawdust , a pile of dirty pots , two kegs of ale , but nothing that might do for a skirt .
3 The food she ate made you grow too , so she was very careful to eat only good food and to take nothing that might harm her little baby .
4 There was nothing in natural knowledge that , in Pemble 's words , could ‘ set straight the wryed and distorted image of God in us ’ ; nothing that might assist the soul in achieving its sanctification .
5 Just glanced at them to make sure there was nothing — well , nothing that might cause offence , or trouble , ’ she finished lamely .
6 Erm you had friends everywh , in all sorts of places , you did n't dally , shall we say , in some of them that might have been a bit smelly .
7 But yes , I grant you that might have seemed a bit odd to the members if it had n't been explained properly . ’
8 If you expect to be arrested , you clear out everything that might give a clue or be used to incriminate you .
9 Even if everything that might go wrong does go wrong , it would require extra efforts of neglect , incompetence and ill fortune to fashion a depression even half as bad as that of the 1930s .
10 It is also generally a good idea to keep your notes short ; while you may want to keep a record of everything that might prove useful , your notes will seem unhelpful if you feel swamped with redundant information when you come to refer to them later .
11 Then , this method was effective , forcing ministers to watch over everything that might cause trouble and forcing officials to be punctilious about every major step they took .
12 Mother Francis did want everything that might help to push Eve up some kind of ladder .
13 This is scorched-earth commentary , razing to the ground everything that might provide some cover for his quarry , stripping the plays of all that renders them humanly habitable .
14 ‘ Too busy to do something that might benefit your mother ? ’
15 gave out she 'd seen something that might upset
16 He paused , searching his mind for something else to say , something that might move the emphasis away from himself .
17 You have knowledge of something that might bring danger ?
18 Neither of them could afford to get mixed up in something that might involve the police .
19 He 'd play — yes , but he 'd play for them , for these stricken people ; he 'd play something they 'd know , something that might lift their hearts in their plight and strengthen them to defy their oppressors .
20 He was here on a fishing trip — trying to find out if Newman had told me something that might help his own investigations . ’
21 They went in behind Sir George , who waved his huge cone of light around the dark , cramped , circular space , illuminating a semi-circular bay window , a roof carved with veined arches and mock-mediaeval ivy-leaves , felt-textured with dust , a box-bed with curtains still hanging , showing a dull red under their pall of particles , a fantastically carved black wooden desk , covered with beading and scrolls , and bunches of grapes and pomegranates and lilies , something that might have been either a low chair or a prie-dieu , heaps of cloth , an old trunk , two band boxes , a sudden row of staring tiny white faces , one , two , three , propped against a pillow .
22 And gradually , the King 's hand relaxed , and his bearing , and lastly his face , across which flickered indistinct and curious emotions : of relief and annoyance , of affection and something that might have been shame .
23 The flush was still there , and in his voice something that might have been an appeal .
24 She stared , and said something that might have been a question or a rejection .
25 Give me something that might have caused that situation to lose confidence .
26 A sound , the barest whisper of something that might have been a moan , rose in her throat .
27 Then this heroine does something that might seem sheer foolishness .
28 and so sometimes the , the calls do seem unreasonable but you should n't get cross , and when you go and see them sometimes you realize why they 're anxious because something that might seem quite trivial to you they might know somebody who had similar symptoms and it actually turned out to be meningitis or something so you 're then able to put their minds at rest .
29 Something that might save his life .
30 A subject trained with both A and B each followed by event X may come to perceive the distinctive features of A and B , something that might reduce generalization between them .
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