Example sentences of "[pron] [that] we 're " in BNC.

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1 We 're articulate enough to fool ourselves that we 're nice people , but there 's a strong undercurrent to our thinking that encourages us to view people with a disability as lesser , and until we come to terms with that , we will never have a proper support system .
2 It seems to me that we 're stronger fighting that together than apart and in the last few years a growing number of successful campaigns have strengthened this belief .
3 Moderator I too would want to resist th th the addendum that has been proposed for number two because it seems to me that we 're concerned as a church with the issue of baptism and initiation and we want to keep our mind and our ideas firmly fixed on that however unpleasant and uncomfortable it is .
4 All the same , it 's by no means clear to me that we 're making any progress …
5 She was trying to tell me that we 're nobody .
6 The fact that we 've got partnership holders and sanctuary housing association , would seem to me that we 're quite likely to get relocation and we 've had all round the town at the moment , and you would have to agree that here is a very strong reason for , for the medical centre to be worried about the effect on the medical centre .
7 ‘ Go and see , Paul , and tell them that we 're busy . ’
8 Right yes I am keen on that because I think er one of the keys to growth in our business is to attract more people and to attract people you must tell them that we 're here and what we 're doing .
9 I since you 've already contacted them in person , erm phoning them 's not going to you know reassure them that we 're a bona fide company
10 Although we could n't tell them that we 're trying to achieve because we have n't we have n't discussed
11 Then , suddenly , humping her shoulders , Sophie said , ‘ Well , we 'll have to do the correct thing and inform them that we 're going to set up here .
12 So you 've prioritized and summarized , what do we need to tell them that we 're gon na do now ?
13 Cos if if you show them that we 're not , they 're not getting at you .
14 My sister 's burnt her arm , but before you come and dress it , I must tell you that we 're frightfully hard up .
15 ‘ Before you ses anythin' , ’ said Carrie as Willie stood up , crimson , ‘ we 've jest come to tell you that we 're miserable about you not being in our class and that we still wants you to come round with us like . ’
16 ‘ I just thought I ought to remind you that we 're all doomed .
17 And in case you are thinking of reneging let me tell you that we 're gon na watch you .
18 But I do n't need to remind you that we 're here to collect for display groups in the Sherman Museum .
19 Has Mum told you that we 're going out for a Chinese ?
20 It 'll be a very , could be a very vague letter just say you remember we wrote to you some time ago that your plan was in arrears , we 've never had this money and we 're now notifying you that we 're gon na collect the arrears on your ne c payment .
21 Well I think er yeah I definitely have to agree with you that we 're not hearing enough of them but I suppose more and more now people are starting to record you know a little bit more of the older stuff and I think what 's happened on the pop scene that they 've absolutely dried up as regards er creating new music you know and people are going into computerized music now and you know everything is played on the one machine and it 's getting like a er I do n't know it 's as as if you do n't really have to be a musician any more .
22 Well it 's something that we 're prepared to actually act on here is
23 Erm and you know there 's er you know really er it 's something that we 're not the only ones who make the decision .
24 Quite how the storm is generated is still something that we 're investigating , although we have some idea of what causes its generation .
25 That 's something that we 're needing
26 It 's simply something that we 're all bound by .
27 Er it 's something that we 're trained in to ensure that there is nobody hiding behind the door .
28 So I think you can be assured that it 's not something that 's been put to one side , it 's something that we 're trying to build in to all the work we do , in whatever ways appropriate , but er , I accept that the the implications for your comment , that we 've got to be continually , er watching ourselves , to make sure that we do that .
29 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
30 Erm and erm it 's something that we 're not necessarily consciously aware of all the time but y'know kind of for some reason they 're called back to mind .
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