Example sentences of "[pron] [that] it do " in BNC.

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1 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
2 It seems to me that it does n't put a lot of weight on the grass .
3 ‘ It seemed to me that it did not please you greatly when you first tasted it . ’
4 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
5 Her credibility increased when she advised me that it did not really matter whether I believed in homeopathy or not .
6 She had never farmed before , and she told me that it did not come easy .
7 It did n't er it is a difficult for me because I do n't have the figures er but er Mr er my assistant who er er did do the detailed work , er tells me that it did n't provide as much traffic relief to the A sixty one as did a western relief .
8 And she believed me that it did n't match three piece suite or carpet and it was stupid , and that sh and she says what shall I do about them ?
9 You show them that it does n't work .
10 He tried to tell himself that it did n't matter , that you could find the same situation all over the West End ; back in the long-lost days of sweetness and light he could remember taking his wife to a performance of Jesus Christ , Superstar when it had gone through so many cast changes that no-one was even bothering to count , and what a bunch of wankers they 'd been .
11 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
12 ( And before you shudder at the thought , may I , as someone who has been on the receiving end , assure you that it does not hurt .
13 I can only assure you that it does help , sometimes .
14 I am here to tell you that it does .
15 " And a good thing for you that it does , " said Clelia , with a sudden asperity , " or you 'd be out on your ear .
16 " Miss Adeane , " he murmured , somewhere above her , " if this pose of the sacrificial victim is intended to impress me , I ought to warn you that it does not . "
17 If it makes you feel any happier , I will tell you that it did not cost me as much as a bouquet of flowers would have done .
18 But here 's a thought for both men : there are times when a nation has to be persuaded to do something that it does not want to do because its future welfare demands it .
19 Her lips parted to tell him that it did , but hesitation seemed to have become a periodic tendency , afflicting her like hiccoughs .
20 To her astonishment , Sally-Anne , who for two dreadful months had hardly been able to bring herself to be near any man , however young and apparently innocuous , wanted to stroke the corner of his mouth — more , she wanted to smooth the scar away — or , rather , since that was impossible , to run her hand down it and tell him that it did not matter , such a thing could only disturb those who were themselves already disturbed !
21 And Sarah Morey would tell her that it did n't matter , though on any other day she would have been irritable at the delay .
22 ‘ Or is it that it does n't seem long ? he continued bitterly , knowing the futility of carping , but being unable to stop it .
23 Environment is the soil and water that permits it to sprout and grow , or sees to it that it does n't .
24 The answer seems to he that it does not .
25 So I remind myself that it does n't really matter about things being put back in exactly the same place in the cupboard , or precisely the same brand of tea being bought , or the carrots being cut to exactly the right dimensions .
26 Van Doren 's excuse to the investigating congressional committee was the most interesting part of the unedifying episode : ‘ I was almost able to convince myself that it did not matter what I was doing because it was having such a good effect on the national attitude to teachers , education and the intellectual life . ’
27 John Tate , managing director of consultancy Tate Bramald Ltd says : ‘ It is safest to assume the worst of a package until you have confirmed for yourself that it does what it claims to . ’
28 Whatever their purpose , the turntable , loop and building were probably removed within a relatively short time , for in the years following its opening the BCR could not afford to keep anything that it did not need .
29 The Bank told us that it does not reject applicants for loans unless it has some firm reason ( such as serious doubt about ability to repay ) .
30 And yet all our common sense ought to tell us that it does n't always have to be chips with everything and meat with every meal .
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