Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think all art to some extent is subjective , but I think that most people would agree that some things are so beautiful that everyone agrees that they are very worthwhile and should n't be destroyed .
2 Everyone agrees that something will have to be seen to be done before the next annual general meeting in February .
3 But everyone agrees that it can be a useful therapeutic tool , easing the pain of dental treatment or curing diseases involving powerful but little-understood psychosomatic interactions , such as warts .
4 " As to the fish , everyone agrees that it must be served between the soup and the meat .
5 Everyone agrees that it is the report , and that there is no point in having a royal commission after Woolf .
6 Everyone agrees that it makes sense and that it is a long-overdue reform .
7 The lasting impression of these accounts is that everyone agrees that there was a ‘ permissive age ’ , or a process of change that can be described as ‘ permissive ’ , but that no-one can actually agree what constituted ‘ permissiveness ’ .
8 Everyone agrees that there is much to be done if the UK 's innovation performance is to be improved .
9 But almost everyone agrees that his work should be represented in a National Curriculum .
10 But almost everyone agrees that his work should be represented in a National Curriculum .
11 Owning a dog should be a great source of enjoyment , but not everyone appreciates that it is a responsibility as well .
12 Everyone thinks that I rule Artai .
13 Part of me thinks that he is setting a useful precedent .
14 It takes me places that I thought I 'd never see
15 In this case I would think that , if the minister does not act in good faith , or if he acts on extraneous considerations which ought not to influence him , or if he plainly misdirects himself in fact or in law , it may well be that a court would interfere ; but when he honestly takes a view of the facts or the law which could reasonably be entertained , then his decision is not to be set aside simply because thereafter someone thinks that his view was wrong …
16 For example , if someone says that they did not have time to read the material and asks for a summary from the author or chairman , politely refuse .
17 When someone complains that he has a toothache , or attributes a similar condition to another person , what exactly is he saying ?
18 Because , although it 's before nine erm , the next morning erm you 're actually giving them now more lead time , you 've given them another day because an , sometime tomorrow you know , if it gets there at two o'clock and it 's off-loading in in in at the bay and someone checks that it 's been received and then someone makes a phone call to tell them it 's there , and then they 're doing something else , and then they come down and have a look at it , how many boxes do you think are sitting on loading bays that do n't get looked at for a day or two , or three , or four , five when they 've had a next day service ?
19 He will try to choose in order to minimise this evaluation and a similar analysis to that for player I shows that he can achieve this by solving LPII* .
20 We need now to look at what triggers people into expressing grief , at what moment someone realizes that they have lost something .
21 To shout at someone suggests that there 's still contact .
22 Someone suggests that he might have skills to offer others on the scheme .
23 There is no real news there of the owl , but someone suggests that I try the hills above Núpur where there has been much activity lately .
24 He did n't I knows that I knows it I knows it .
25 The drawings bore Latin inscriptions — ‘ Day of Resurrection ’ , ‘ Day of Wrath ’ — that are so unlike any of the rest of his works that they have been largely ignored , and sell for far less than any other of Modigliani 's works .
26 But despite a guest appearance by Jack Nicholson , and the assistance of the ingenious Simenon ( a man so uninfatuated by Prince and all his works that he fell asleep during the Sign O The Times movie ) , does Cat have the creative wherewithal to make it as a solo act ?
27 If someone believes that it is raining , or that the knave stole the tarts , there is either a state of affairs such as he believes in or there is not , and his belief , and the statement which expresses it , is true or false ; accordingly .
28 A magician lives in the house everyone says that he 's very grumpy so if you meet the magician you must be very polite .
29 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
30 At the other extreme is the stance taken on the MoD 's continuing tenure , which insists that it is not proper that the public continue to be excluded some of the time from all , and all of the time from some , of the finest coastal scenery in the British Isles .
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