Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's his house everyone goes to is n't it ?
2 Thank God no more by me needs to be said .
3 Plainly not everyone has to be subject to chronic disease .
4 Not only are there competing social sciences , but everyone has to be something of a social scientist just to get by in this world .
5 Everyone has to be neatly packaged into defined groups .
6 The control exercised by ORDEN is terrifying and everyone has to be extremely careful .
7 " Everyone has to be that . "
8 He must n't be expected to make an effort when he does n't feel like it , he must n't risk being hemmed in or bored , but everyone has to be ever so careful of his feelings , poor sensitive soul , and when he wants a good fuck he comes to obliging loving little Ruth because he can relieve himself and have his morale boosted without having to do a damned thing about it but get himself into your bed . ’
9 ‘ To achieve the objectives we have , everyone has to be very clear about the nature of the business and the nature of the challenge we are facing and what their role is in responding to it .
10 This I now of course understand , that everyone has to be careful of any drug smugglers .
11 Mersey Regional Ambulance spokesman Richard Oswick said : ‘ Everyone has to be aware that the dark nights are drawing in and we all need to take special care . ’
12 No everyone has to be in
13 Exactly the same is true of ageism and everyone needs to be alert to their often unconscious ageist attitudes .
14 Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life .
15 And everyone needs to be consulted .
16 Everyone needs to be loved , ’ she returned quietly .
17 Generally speaking , people in this room are sitting around relaxing ; they are n't bustling about generating their own heat so the atmosphere around them needs to be kept at a comfortable temperature .
18 They want to see the elimination of the use of knives in crimes of violence , but their approach is that the law is adequate to deal with the problem and that nothing needs to be changed .
19 First among them has to be Hugh Laurie 's facial interpretation of Bertie , now brought to a fine pitch of eye-popping , open-mouthed imbecility .
20 But our attitude towards them has to be based on the understanding that they want to transform us into a different party — a party which could never win , and might well not deserve to win , against a Conservative government which itself embraces the social market .
21 So if he finds himself behaving very differently in school to how he behaves at home , one of them has to be ‘ real ’ and the other ‘ phoney ’ .
22 They can be as immodest and as positive as you like — although the risk of being embarrassed if other people find them has to be taken into account .
23 Moreover , while these analyses are useful in clarifying relationships the underlying explanation of them has to be sought in the factors surveyed by other chapters .
24 Only about a third of them has to be what you really call meat .
25 Only about a third of them has to be what you 'd really call meat , and quite a lot of them had an enormous amount of fat in them .
26 Eviction , harassment , bills for disrepair : the words are well known , but no-one wants to be faced with the reality .
27 58% of subjects believed that people with TB should be quarantined , and 63% perceived TB as a severe social stigma , endorsing the item ‘ if you have TB no-one wants to be around you , even people you thought were your friends ’ .
28 No-one has to be an S.S.O. , ’ protested Aline .
29 That 's why everyone wants to be The Waterboys and nobody wants to be The Virgin Prunes .
30 Everyone wants to be healthy .
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