Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] given the " in BNC.

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1 She said at the time ‘ no-one has given the BBC a mandate to promote their causes .
2 Evolution rather than revolution is also imposed by the British system of government , which has given the country twenty-one Ministers of Defence since the Second World War .
3 It was his desire to play the Senior Tour and his love of golf which has given the Notts professional the inspiration to overcome his terrible injuries and pick up where he left off a little more than a year ago .
4 The Cancer Research Campaign , which has given the seven-strong team a £150,000 grant , is delighted .
5 A Quality Circle team of Coalport flower makers , ‘ Simply the Best ’ , has brought new thinking to the making of bone china floral studies , which has given the marketing team a sweet smell of success .
6 Now there 's a man who has given the term ‘ comedian ’ a whole new meaning .
7 Larder , who has given the captaincy to tough utility forward Paul Hulme , is also expecting great things from giant Welsh second rower Paul Moriarty .
8 Representatives of interested local authorities have already met with transport under-secretary Patrick McLaughlin , who has given the scheme his backing .
9 But at the same time he totally disagrees with the way she has given the banks a free hand to put resources behind new ‘ non-industries ’ such as the service industries , and concentrate economic wealth in the south .
10 Meanwhile she has given the impression that , by looking to the earliest community of women and men , she has found a way for women to be Christian .
11 She has given the High Court in London a map marking out an area of several hundred yards around her home from which she wants the man barred .
12 He has given the nurses every support in their efforts to gain recognition , and will speak at their conference .
13 Bill Clinton was born in the town of Hope and that is what he has given the American people .
14 And he has given the club back its pride , passion , and the kind of penetrative football that has awoken the North East .
15 Their apprehensions were summed up by the New York Age : ‘ As a black champion , he has given the Negro more trouble by his scandals than he did in twenty years as a black tramp ’ ( quoted by Gillmore , 1975 , p.99 ) .
16 He has given the players a week off training to avoid incurring any injuries .
17 When Jenson continues that the reason why the biblical God is called ‘ Father ’ is that the attempt is being made to get away from sexuality , with which women are more naturally to be associated , we may think that he has given the game away !
18 This works out at 1,460 rupees a year for a rickshaw worth just 2,000 , so he could have bought ten rickshaws with the money he has given the owner over the last 15 years .
19 I thank the Minister for the information that he has given the House .
20 He is also a noted expert on financial matters , and tonight he has given the House a clear explanation of complex proposals .
21 The landlord must be given an order for possession after the expiry of the term , provided he has given the requisite two months ' notice requiring possession , ideally from the landlord 's point of view expiring when the tenancy terminates .
22 In the meantime , he has given the socialists a much-needed shot in the arm which might just save them from the total disaster they were expecting next month .
23 In the meantime , he has given the Socialists a much-needed shot in the arm which might just save them from the total disaster they were expecting next month .
24 He admits the scheme cramped his dress sense and made him sweat at official functions , but he hopes he has given the people of Hawick ‘ a sense of purpose , pride and awareness of the quality of world-class knitwear they produce ’ .
25 Three months into his posting , he has given the BBC a sense of direction — but not everybody likes the way it is going .
26 This restrained aloofness has had its drawbacks : it has given the bellicose idealists of the Left freedom to ride roughshod with impunity over institutions which have hitherto maintained our nation as civilised and admirable .
27 Top LTA coach Ian Barclay has seen how much of a kick it has given the promising youngsters under his charge at Bisham Abbey , youngsters like Alex Osterrieth ( who reached the last 16 along with fellow Brit Andrew Hill in America ) , Steven Clark , James Cotman and Barry McColl .
28 Marks & Spencer has , we are sure , nothing but the best of intentions for Brooks Brothers , which is why it has given the American clothier the benefit of its most successful ideas .
29 It has given the Greeks a new foreign-policy possibility , to the north : one in which membership of the Community will be useful , but Greeks can still be Greeks .
30 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
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