Example sentences of "[pron] [is] n't [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll lend you my suitcase , yours is n't fit to be seen … . ’
2 Perhaps they decided he had nothing useful to say — ; which is n't far from the truth .
3 She ignored his tone as she pointed out , ‘ The letter said this weekend , which is n't far away . ’
4 There are so many more , from the outlandish yellow A. flavum to the round-headed leek ( which is n't round-headed at all ) whose conical purple-red blooms appear in June .
5 Physio Greg Craig said : ‘ It is a Grade One plus sprain which is n't serious enough to warrant X-rays , but still needs lots of treatment . ’
6 He 's given certain information to the court which is n't correct anyway !
7 He 's given certain information to the court which is n't correct anyway .
8 Er generally if you try and differentiate a function which is n't continuous ,
9 ‘ In the end I was acting mum to six orphaned baby hedgehogs — getting up to feed them every three hours , which is n't much fun .
10 okay cos they 'll all want some , they 'll all give me about ten P which is n't much
11 So you know what this is a measure of it 's not a measure of anything it does n't mean that one group 's done better than the others it just means that 's the way it 's been measured the work that they 've done has been measured by another group which is n't good or bad it 's just hopefully picking out the important criteria and applying them to the work that we 've done and the notes we 've produced and the way we 've marked other people 's .
12 The cloud is quite a bit thinner than yesterday , but the sequence still shows movement from east to west , which is n't good news when the north sea is cold .
13 Other people , for who , anything which is n't modern , is old English , claimed that it was old English .
14 ‘ No , my main guitar is a Takamine , but one which is n't available in Europe .
15 So I think our victory in South Africa which is n't complete is also in that sense your victory and in this sense there is tremendous affection and love for all of you in the hearts of the oppressed people of Southern Africa and Africa .
16 The light , fragile voice which is n't that dissimilar to the one showcased on more acoustic numbers might suggest shyness , but you can never predict what she 's going to say next .
17 This possibly presenting a problem , which is n't that common , would be minimum of two to three metres away , but where exactly ?
18 Intelligent Aside from that small niggle , which is n't that important , given that you can always use the file transfer utility to move any files you need from redirected devices to the client machine , the FastLynx device drivers are very intelligent — if you tell them to be .
19 Which is n't black now , anyway , ’ he added .
20 ‘ You always get the most informed political chatter there with the waiters , which is n't surprising as India 's is the biggest democracy in the world and ours is the oldest , ’ says Mrs Nicholson .
21 I can hardly stand up at the best of times — which is n't surprising when the only ice I 'm interested in is in my Scotch on the rocks !
22 Some of the crew puffing after only half an hour or so , which is n't surprising as the only exercise they take in the normal run of things is putting their legs under a table and aiming their snouts at the trough .
23 Imagine a normal single coil split in the middle , with one side then reversed ; the result is still a single coil pickup but one which is n't susceptible to noise .
24 Speaking for himself , Svidrigailov says he is after the women , which is n't untrue but we know what it 's worth .
25 For us , the traverse to the Fish niche required a linked series of skyhook moves ( which is n't easy when you 've only got one ) .
26 Margaret got back into bed , ‘ which is n't easy with a baby , umbilical cord and midwife between your legs ! ’ , to allow the placenta to be delivered .
27 The pause after the first shot making sure they 'd killed him which is n't easy to do with a heart shot but they could n't go for the head because the sight line would n't fit with shooting at the President 's head — ’
28 He laughs , which is n't easy when your credibility is being sorely tested by the papers who claim to know what 's going on .
29 The next booking is a course which is n't due to start until Friday .
30 Data Logic is still working on the CICS/6000 port , which is n't due for another nine months , a project that is engaging around one third of its workforce .
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