Example sentences of "[pron] [is] that we " in BNC.

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31 Yes , it 's that we can never over-emphasise the importance of being cost competitive .
32 I do n't know whether it 's that we want much , too much
33 So in that sense , it 's that we 're incestuous .
34 It 's that we 're struggling on .
35 So it is that we must also support voluntary action and volunteering as essential in a healthy democracy in a civilised society .
36 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
37 If they were not told the embarrassing source of these words — and perhaps even if they were — most Asians would give a vigorous nod of approval to the sentiments expressed by Neville Chamberlain when Germany annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 : ‘ How horrible , fantastic , incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing . ’
38 The method concerns itself both with what the underlying unit actually is , and also with how likely it is that we are observing a real effect rather than some random one .
39 This objection helps to reveal why it is that we regard a hierarchical classification as natural .
40 The notion of an avant-garde sensibility here functions simply as the ‘ other ’ of existing television ( just as much of the most interesting experimental video refunctions existing television as its other ) , a point outside the discourse of actually existing television from which we can argue about what it is that we actually want .
41 Well , we do see a good deal of what is around us and not simply whatever it is that we happen to be staring at .
42 It is not that , in the face of a system of chattel slavery , we first insist on counting everyone 's interests equitably and then see if slaves should be liberated ; it is that we first recognise the moral imperative to liberate them , on grounds other than counting equal interests equally .
43 Apart from confirmation that in dictatorships , scientific corruption flourishes together with the more venal kinds , perhaps it is that we should not accept the recent predictions of Argentina 's early possession of an independent nuclear arsenal without some reservation .
44 In verses three to five the psalmist reminds us who it is that we are coming to .
45 If we could say ‘ I know ’ only when we could also say exhaustively how it is that we know , it would create just as much a problem for the sophisticated philosopher as for those of us who are simpler .
46 This is why all of us will doubt at some point , whatever it is that we believe .
47 Thus it is that we know as much as we do about the Orynthia and her voyages in the late 1830s .
48 So it is that we can apply to research of different disciplinary provenance general criteria of appraisal approved by the wider culture of intellectual enquiry .
49 They seem to have happened periodically over the last 900 million years , and may have been doing so since the early days of Earth ( the longer ago something happened , the less likely it is that we will have tripped over the evidence ) .
50 But such emotions are themselves informed by the way in which we see the world , by our conceptions of what it is that we find desirable or fearful .
51 We do not mean merely freedom to do as we like irrespectively of what it is that we like .
52 Our eyes do not wander randomly around the page when we are reading , but certain sorts of words are fixated more often than others ( O'Regan , 1979 ) , and this means that we must know in advance of a fixation where it is that we are going to look next .
53 It is that we might , in other than merely a logical sense , have got yesterday but not last night .
54 It is that we have a single conception of effects , rather than several .
55 You know , er given enough time and preparation and if we define clearly what it is that we want to analyze , you know I can provide that information er in the form of a report or in a rawish state and we could discuss that .
56 The less constrained the genre , primarily interactional ‘ chat ’ , for example , the less likely it is that we can confidently state norms of expectation which will generalise even over the experience of the English-speaking population .
57 But he never explained how it is that we can so easily be led by involuntary desire .
58 Right , so if it gives of If you heat it in er and it gives of carbon dioxide , have a guess at what it is that we 're heating ?
59 It is that we are closely linked , you and I , my love . ’
60 Friday twenty eighth of June passes without incident apart from a quick visit from the local constabulary asking us to consider what a dangerous stunt it is that we are trying to pull .
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