Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] it by " in BNC.

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1 The stream may be followed down the field to a lateral path which crosses it by yet another God 's Bridge , a stone arch formed by nature .
2 This three-quarters works itself to death , generation after generation , at the behest of the female quarter , more sapient but no less savage , which dominates it by an impenetrable social mystification of oestrus .
3 At present the local authorities have a duty to provide residential accommodation if this is required for anyone who needs it by reason of age or infirmity .
4 She does n't just carry a tune , she sends it by express mail and it seems to reach your spine long before your ears .
5 As a first step , he or she identifies it by using a word-meaning which is conventionally taken to match the nature of the perception .
6 I think one sees it by the change in the structure of big business , by so many management buy-outs and the realisation that size is not everything ; large companies concentrating more on their core businesses and getting rid of peripheral businesses and spending more on research and development in supporting core businesses .
7 However , this one makes it by virtue of it being an array of versions of General Levy 's fine ‘ Heat ’ rhythm .
8 I sometimes worried that he did n't have enough time to see his own music but it seems he has it by memory .
9 ‘ Shut the window , please ’ is said in a situation where the speaker rather expects the hearer to act so as to fulfil a certain sort of wish of his , if he indicates that he has it by an imperative sentence .
10 He shows it by being angry and rude all the time to everyone .
11 He does n't leave that sheep that he 's rescued in the wilderness , but he brings that one safely home as Jesus says , on his shoulder rejoicing , and he leads it by , as David says , the still waters , and by those green and verdant and lush pastures .
12 He marks it by distinguishing between resemblance in a given particular , resemblance which consists in the possession of certain common peculiarities , on the one hand , and what he calls ‘ mere general resemblance ’ , ‘ general unanalysable resemblance ’ , or ‘ simple likeness ’ , on the other .
13 The fact that he gets it by being told it , as opposed to observing it for himself , is incidental .
14 He does it by bringing into focus the various contributing factors .
15 Again , he does it by starting with both feet firmly on the ground .
16 Well it happens , and it 's made possible because he does it by his spirit .
17 And so , Pilate he tries to do this , he tries first of all to shift the responsibility , and he does it by different methods , first of all he sends into Herod , the king then he suggests that Barabbas should be released to the people , now however , both of these methods of shifting responsibility have failed and the ball is firmly back with Pilate .
18 I think he might maybe he does n't do it like that , maybe he does it by saying it by God bless at the end of his broadcast , or appearing in the Gulf with a polo necked jumper .
19 It does it by telling two stories about the reception of the news of the battle .
20 But an object contemplated for its beauty alone spontaneously attracts the spectator and rouses him to expand and intensify his awareness of it ; and however much or little trust he may put in the formulation of aesthetic standards , he evaluates it by his reaction at the unsustainable height of concentration when he is responding to all his information at once .
21 He excuses it by calling it ‘ a scherzo in minuet clothing ’ Why not call it a minuet in minuet clothing ?
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