Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [pn reflx] by " in BNC.

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1 Since expansion takes place laterally on exposure to moisture , there must be a resulting contraction longitudinally , which manifests itself by rotation of the coil to unwind , with of course , expansion on drying .
2 A group which perpetuates itself by endogamous sexual reproduction usually has some perception of ethnic identity .
3 I have grown it myself for the last twelve years , in a small colony in a north-facing border which maintains itself by self-sown seedlings .
4 There she suspends herself by her feet and takes a well-earned rest , having done her best to ensure that her single babe , in spite of everything , has received its proper milk-ration .
5 Like the Saussurian sign , she defines herself by and through her relations with others .
6 He 's a world-famous scientist searching for a cancer cure , she 's the spiky assistant who proves herself by falling for him .
7 She exacerbates all his old anxieties and feelings of ambivalence towards ‘ mothers ’ , and because he can not cope , he defends himself by ignoring her as far as possible .
8 He grooms himself by touch : he favours an electric razor and does his own barbering with a brutal pair of kitchen scissors .
9 Recruitment to its ranks is highly selective in terms of social and educational status , and it perpetuates itself by spending parts of its accumulated surpluses on privileged education , often abroad , for its favoured sons ( and occasionally daughters ) .
10 Conran never really switches off from work , because he surrounds himself by objects that are beautifully designed .
11 He judges himself by being better .
12 He finds himself by looking in the works of others .
13 ‘ I ’ , ‘ me ’ or ‘ mine ’ are words that are frequently heard in the classroom , as a child proudly announces that he has ‘ built a big tower ’ or ‘ got one like that ’ , or as he asserts himself by virtue of possession , ‘ That 's mine ’ .
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