Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing forbids me to dramatize the crisis by saying that the individual has found a new sense of his dignity in the knowledge that he is wholly free to choose , with the sole responsibility for his choice .
2 I am happy to repeat the Government 's view that openness is a friend of the nuclear industry and everyone has everything to gain by open discussion and understanding of the complex issues involved .
3 Everyone has something to contribute to life .
4 ‘ I meant everyone needs someone to love and to love them . ’
5 I 'm often asked if I get sick of making presentations and signing autographs but I always answer by saying that the time to worry is when no-one wants me to do these things .
6 ‘ I 'm sure it will be Renata ( her daughter ) next ’ , ‘ Why ca n't I get anything right ? ’ and ‘ No-one wants anything to do with me — and I 'm not surprised . ’
7 Everyone says that to me , Ruth thought ; everyone wants me to bring them Undry … and I 've promised it to Fand , but I do n't know now whether she 's alive or dead .
8 Everyone wants them to succeed . ’
9 People are dancing and singing in town tonight — everyone wants you to go . ’
10 Everyone wants us to work and work all the time and not stop .
11 I needs someone to cook and wash for me . ’
12 The next day I phones her to ask if she minded having us there .
13 Really good , well I said if someone tells me to shut up .
14 Sub-text : ‘ My relative status compared to yours entitles me to criticise or praise you . ’
15 If then someone asks you to name article 4 , you simply think of the permanent hook for 4 ( core ) and a ridiculous picture of a set made of apple cores brings to mind television .
16 This is a shame since it may relegate the service to purely commercial outlets , such as flying schools and airfields who will doubtless find it very useful if someone persuades them to take a look .
17 What flaw in me allows him to do this ?
18 Snow does have a certain corpuscular arrangement , which fits it to produce ideas of coldness and of whiteness in us ; but just as there is nothing in fire resembling our idea of pain , so there need be nothing in snow resembling the whiteness and coldness it appears to have .
19 By nature I mean , first , the principle of survival which drives us to continue living and necessarily entails the ingestion of food ; and , second , the principle of growth which transforms us from childhood to maturity and thence to old age .
20 Part-time firefighters carry a paging unit which alerts them to make the dash to the fire station when a 999 call is made .
21 No one would accuse the Americans of being frightened of the new , or the Indians of refusing to show emotion , or of inability to communicate , but all need to work in an environment which encourages them to give of their best , and encourages them to look outwards rather than inwards .
22 Consequently , many people find the unsmiling face of a horse rather expressionless which encourages them to think that horses are virtually emotionless — that they only have two emotions : ears forward , and the horse is happy ; ears back , and he is bad tempered .
23 The lessons are reinforced by a booklet for the pupils and a separate leaflet for the parents which encourages them to discuss smoking with their children .
24 The baddies trundle back and forth like an expectant father and resurrect on returning to a screen , and you 've got this pathetic energy bar thingie which encourages you to ignore them anyway !
25 The Bible is the law of God , which encourages us to obey God and to live for him .
26 There is a profound difference between the kind of problem-solving which encourages us to use reason in order to reach a solution and the awareness of Mystery which leads to feelings of wonder and awe and worship in the light of what is being contemplated .
27 The child of seven who can read fluently will not be held back so that an identical level of attainment can be achieved by all : the slow learner will not become the victim of a system which challenges him to achieve a goal which is unattainable .
28 Which has everything to do with redefining a realistic socialist alternative rather than electoral representation .
29 There is a region of the brain called the hippocampus which has something to do with recording new memories .
30 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
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