Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] just [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Billy and I were just good friends , really good mates .
2 I 'd never have come back to Liverpool only the firm sent me here to fix something up on the docks twelve months before this lot started , so I was just unlucky . ’
3 No I was just worrying that I always thought that I would never ever like come across anyone who I thought that I can even vaguely click with but I just realized that I can and it 's just quite a nice feeling .
4 I was just stupid .
5 I was just stupid but I was as I say , since Oct erm when was it ?
6 I was just obsessed with culture .
7 I had made Lucy take off her anorak so she looked a bit less like an urban guerrilla , even though the T-shirt she was wearing underneath — ‘ Rats Have Rights ’ — was a bit of a giveaway , or maybe I was just paranoid .
8 I began to feel ashamed of my nosiness but I had n't intended to be nosey : I was just curious .
9 I was just curious .
10 I was just curious , ’ she said .
11 I honestly ca n't remember how I felt at the time — I think I was just shocked .
12 On the cluster erm not having in fact had any erm work on this type of thing before I did n't realise that holding a paper could close you down and in fact without moving my feet I was n't getting movement I was just static and with no use of the hands you were to express yourself sufficiently .
13 I was just passing and saw the smoke . ’
14 I was just passing — ’
15 " I 'm afraid I 'm in something of a hurry but I was just passing and thought I would call in on the off-chance .
16 ‘ I got hassle all the way through school because I had the wrong haircut and would n't wear uniform and I was just annoying and disruptive .
17 ‘ Money never bothered me , I was just pleased that people enjoyed my music . ’
18 Though barely moderate scholastically , I was just good enough at games to become Captain of Games in an athletically undistinguished house .
19 I was just perfect .
20 They cheered a little louder for the home side but there is nothing wrong with that and I was just delighted to be a part of it all .
21 I was just numb while it was happening , I felt weak .
22 ‘ I do n't touch alcohol and by then I was just keen to leave .
23 I was just thankful that I got out when I did .
24 Erm thank you I was just changing because it 's too cold in here , erm
25 I was just greedy , you see .
26 I was just tired . ’
27 I was just tired , that 's all . ’
28 I was just hot and dusty and … surprised . ’
29 I dread to think who Uncle Joe had transferred his twisted ‘ affections ’ to , but at the time , I was just relieved to be free of his attentions .
30 I do n't know who went off for Batty , I was just relieved when he did .
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