Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] on the " in BNC.

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1 If I were on the pay side in the Treasury , I would be prepared to permit maximum flexibility on the salary and conditions offered to the successful applicant .
2 Even from where Taff and I were on the road it was obvious that the dead soldiers were German .
3 John and I were on the dole .
4 All they told me was that if I were on the public payroll I 'd take a ride out to Westminster Drive and have a long talk with Mrs. Laura Channing .
5 Vic and the crew were on the bank , Matt and I were on the raft with about a dozen Indians paddling and poling .
6 ‘ Dear Thomas and I were on the point of announcing our engagement .
7 The work had dropped off yeah , and then I were on the , on the labour for a short time and erm then I got a job next door to where I lived , straight next door .
8 I knew I was on the right track when I felt that thrill of pleasure at placing object , not painting it .
9 Paul was invited to give a series of public lectures at the school , and word got around that I was on the verge of retirement and Paul would be happy to take my place .
10 Two hopping abseils later — I 'm an expert at them now — and I was on the snow .
11 A month or two ago I was on the phone to the Baltic , to obtain some bloodcurdlingly seditious statement from the local nationalists .
12 I knew though that they 'd work it out in the end so I was on the look-out for a new job .
13 I was on the bus from the centre of Bath to the end of our street , Avondale Buildings ( we lived at No. 5 ) , when I casually opened The Listener and saw this May Day poem .
14 It looked as if we had painted ourselves into a corner and I was on the verge of giving up and going home when Jake trundled up with his totter 's cart and his little skewbald pony .
15 I started going out in London and I was on the first step of the ladder . ’
16 I was on the dole at the time , so the amount seemed enormous .
17 I knew I was on the wrong track when the tall reeds broke to reveal the brown-bellied river .
18 His heavily built wife showed me my room and soon I was on the end of a bench in the small dark restaurant , supping soup with the few day-trippers ; listening to their stories .
19 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
20 I shouted thanks and crossed over , though I was on the same side as every local runner .
21 ‘ I used to know a pickpocket when I was on the beat a million years ago .
22 I knew I would never finish a book so long as I was on the North Shore , either .
23 I was on the dole for three months and then got a job .
24 I 'm amazingly affluent compared with a few years ago , especially when I was on the dole for three years .
25 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
26 I do n't think I was on the same wavelength as the Prime Minister almost from the start , although I did work for her beforehand and try to pull together some of the policies .
27 Not outstanding success , for I was still missing nine out of ten bites , hut enough to suggest I was on the right track .
28 ‘ Of course I was on the same squadron as him for a time . ’
29 After a delicious Chinese dinner , tea and brandy , I was on the point of leaving , but stopped to admire a small framed painting on the wall .
30 In this I may be vulnerable , for I was on the lookout for miracles and it was while watching Nancy , listening to her and eventually breaking my own icy shield and talking to her , that I came close to seeing what I was looking for .
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