Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Why , you were as hot for me as I was for you ! ’
2 On the subject of my aunts , I must share with you something which still makes me smile when I think back on those days of yore , which were for us children — halcyon days .
3 The young men had been playing football against a team from the small local college at Adrar , the town which was for me the end of tarmac and the beginning of the desert ; for these city boys , it was the last outpost .
4 Anaud had in some ways a curiously desexualized view of the body and spoke of a ‘ body without organs ’ , which was for him a body deprived mainly of functions of reproduction and defecation , that was mainly a locus of feeling and sensation .
5 Innocent was consecrated pope on the feast of St Peter 's Chair or Throne ( 22 February ) , which was for him deeply symbolic .
6 Whatever the uncertainties of the precise dates , events and social connections in Rolle 's life it is clear from external and internal evidence that he felt increasingly compelled towards a solitary life because it facilitated contemplative inner life which was for him the reality to be cultivated above all other .
7 All 72 of the privatised National Bus Company subsidiaries left the best scheme , which was for them the equivalent of TOPS and broke the link between pension rights and the rise in the cost of living .
8 All 72 of the privatised National Bus Company subsidiaries left the best scheme , which was for them the equivalent of TOPS and broke the link between pension rights and the rise in the cost of living .
9 Till May came and the day came When she wore 'em down to Shoreham , But nobody was for 'em So she wore 'em nevermore …
10 She felt the tight leather skirt being wriggled upwards to bare her scorching behind , and when his cool fingers touched her hot flesh she realised just how hot she was for him .
11 How ready she was for him to fuck her .
12 Of course we thought we were for it .
13 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
14 Beyond and above the jolt to the national memory , there was for me a special exhumation of the past .
15 Surrounded as I was by supremely negative images of homosexuality such as ‘ the man in the dirty mac living out a lonely old age in a filthy garret ’ , I still felt that there was for me a clear choice between expressing or repressing my homosexual desire .
16 We do not know what legal or moral basis there was for it .
17 She was , in any case , not sure how they were , or how they were for her .
18 ‘ Did she say they were for you ? ’
19 Now , all these things are not just for this woman , they were for you , and they 're for me .
20 Difficult though it was for her , however , are we entitled to assume that her French upbringing was bound to give her an adverse picture of her Scottish kingdom , and that her view was justified ?
21 The New York Herald headlined ‘ These Girl 's Do n't Drink , Smoke or Flirt ’ and printed an article , attributed to Mary , in which she explained how difficult it was for her to maintain discipline in a society where young girls were surrounded on every side by such bad examples of free and easy ways in all walks of life .
22 They were her protectors , older , stronger , more clever and brave , and yet they had assumed it was for her to say what they were to do .
23 He could see how hopeless it was for her .
24 So it was for her .
25 No one would know how hard it was for her to act the bride she would never be .
26 She she it was for her a matter of conscience .
27 It was for me .
28 I wonder what it 'd be like if the phone suddenly rung and it was for me .
29 Back in those Hard Times , funerals offered us the comfort of knowing that , however tough it was for me and thee , there was always somebody who had it worse .
30 Then not long after , we were both walking under some scaffolding — she was already under it and out of view — when a workman whistled , so I knew it was for me , not her .
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