Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Which is amazing is n't it ?
2 Lending which is longer-term is usually done on a variable-rate basis , where the interest is calculated periodically in line with changing market rates .
3 If everything which is pleasurable is good that is a significant ethical truth , not a statement about the meaning of a word , or the tautology that whatever is pleasant is pleasant .
4 Last week if you remember I was talking about the primary concern of the state , a concern er which is paramount is a concern for its security and I said if you remember that there was an approach er toward the study of international politics called realism which stressed the importance of what has been termed the power security hypothesis .
5 But it sounds to me as though it 's taking something off the telephone , which is simple in n it ?
6 Which is reasonable is n't it ?
7 One point about this model which is unclear is this : what is it that prevents words like READY or READJUST from activating the word detector for READ ?
8 This would be true for at least two of the examples of ( 18 ) , to which we may add at random : ( 32 ) some delegates who were German frowned the starling which is inquisitive is female It is emphatically not the answer to say , " those which can not become postnominal attributives turn into prenominals instead " , for two reasons : first , as we have already seen , there is a major difference of function between prenominal position and predicative position as occupied by the adjective in the sort of relative clause proposed ; and , second , this still leaves us facing the question of why some relative clauses can apparently be reduced to postnominal adjectives and others can not ( indeed this question , previously passed by , has been in serious need of an answer from those who want to relate prenominal adjectives — or simply attributives in general — to predicative position ) .
9 I mean there have been the usual number of pollution incidents and they seem to increase every year , er and a lot of those to deal with er as you say , I think one of the things which is , which is good is that public consciousness has been raised and people are much more aware of what they drink and what 's in their rivers .
10 I do not read these passages as stating that an unlawful demand which is enforceable is per se sufficient to found recovery .
11 In the service sector , however , the relationship is the opposite : establishments with a low proportion of the labour force which is skilled are less likely to use fixed-term contract workers .
12 My Lords , the only intention which is relevant is the intention demonstrated by the agreement to grant exclusive possession for a term at a rent .
13 any flexibility or detailed specification which is possible is too often achieved by unnecessarily lengthy notation , and
14 The only kind of credit which is inflationary is that which is newly created by the commercial banks ( and similar deposit-taking institutions ) .
15 The only breeding ground which is infertile is one running at high stress for achievement , tightly mapped and with the maximum openness .
16 But one feature of a catalogue of an exhibition for a living artist which is different is the likely inclusion of reminiscences from colleagues and members of the artist 's family , who may make enlightening comments .
17 Well it 's not a lot it 's only really the length which is different is n't it ?
18 But I can not , for that which is sick is strong .
19 However , anything which is non-zero is considered to be TRUE .
20 This means that the coefficient of in the equation in which is basic is 1 , if x i j is a forward basic variable , and the RHS of this equation is then .
21 Thirdly , thinking which is reflective is intimately linked with feelings , imagination and involvement in life , and is concerned about truth .
22 We are doubtful that the benefits of the inner distribution onto other roads and into particular the B six one six two which is the only access onto the western relief road as currently proposed between the A fifty nine and sixty one would generate further problems , onto a road which is only a two lane B road compared to an A l A road Sorry and A three lane road , that the environmental damage far outweighs in fact the so called benefits that are being claimed which nobody 's disputed is only a vehicle every four point eight seconds instead of every three point five seconds .
23 but she 's nice is n't she ?
24 She 's nice is n't she ?
25 She 's pregnant is n't she ?
26 She 's deaf is she ?
27 On death row in San Quentin , California , Maureen Timmins for the first time met the convicted murderer she 's convinced is innocent .
28 She said she 's great being my teacher she said for my little ones .
29 erm should she pack up her Saturday job , it pays around twenty pound and it will go up to about twenty five , and Sue and Will sat and talked about it and she got , she 's surprising been interviewed for the W R A F but I mean that 's not gon na be so easy these days , I mean they 're gon na take the exceptionals that they need are n't they ?
30 She 's real are ya ?
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