Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh in the morning I awake , my arms my legs my Oh my is full of shit my is full of shit it 's full of shit , shit and .
2 Oh in the morning I awake , my arms my legs my Oh my is full of shit my is full of shit it 's full of shit , shit and .
3 Please check to see if yours is correct for 80–81 , stating clearly all that is required and also delete those no longer running .
4 ‘ A young woman with a nasty , vicious nature like yours is capable of wishing all sorts of evil things . ’
5 The decision was bitterly attacked by Arnold Beckett , a member of the IOC medical commission , who said : ‘ Warning someone is tantamount to saying ‘ you took steroids ’ .
6 If someone is hell-bent on controlling you through criticism you stop them by agreeing with what they say ( 'Yes , you 're quite right about the report' ) and then remaining quiet .
7 If someone is resistant to change , for example , you might attribute this behaviour to an underlying fear of change .
8 The Sunday Telegraph tartly commented ‘ If someone is nasty to me again , I shall send a photographer round to take their pictures in 3D .
9 To say that someone is guilty of terrorism and drunken driving will be justifiable if he is a tee-total terrorist .
10 If someone is angry with you , Ego says they 're bad-tempered and unreasonable .
11 To say either that someone acts authoritatively or that someone is responsible for his actions may depend upon the possibility of ascribing mental states or capacities but neither is merely a shorthand way of ascribing them .
12 Erm in other words someone is responsible for drawings therefore you would , you 'd put the initials in there .
13 Experiences , they argued , are identical with brain states ; but when someone is conscious of his experiences he is not conscious of his brain as such : it takes modern science to tell us that consciousness is a state of the brain .
14 When someone is ill with AIDS they are often in pain .
15 That someone is unsteady on his feet , off-balance , swaying bout , is something to be seen , or , if we are holding him , felt .
16 This topic has less attraction for ordinary policemen and women , for although they might take pleasure in thing someone is interested in their views , it is they who run the risks associated with answering questions and from being observed doing their job .
17 'E 's keen on 'er , and she seemed ti be fond of 'im till 'e asked for 'er in wedlock . ’
18 ‘ Long as it 's not you 'e 's interested in , ’ Fred said shortly .
19 Because the microscope gives an image which is fuzzy over a distance of the size of the wavelength of the light being used , if we want to measure the position more accurately we must decrease the wavelength .
20 Despite these reservations , this CD contains an account of Bruckner 7 which is impressive by any reasonable standards .
21 The addition of certain alcohols or the sequestrants to formulations can reduce the incidence which is rare in any case .
22 The tastiest are the Norfolk Black , a small-breasted bird which is rare in this country ; and the bronze-feathered turkey ; not quite as good , although it has a much meatier breast .
23 However , the loco does have Baker valve gear which is rare in this country but very popular in the USA .
24 Twenty per cent of council properties ( mostly flats ) lack gardens and a high proportion are three floors or more from the ground , which is rare in private accommodation .
25 The signed Hawkins monument in Boughton-under-Blean , Kent , must date from about 1618 : it shows Evesham 's skill in the expressive relief carving which is rare in early seventeenth-century English sculpture .
26 For Swan , the jockey with the choir boy looks , has become the punter 's friend in Irish racing , the rider the small man loves to follow with a confidence which is rare in a sport known for its uncertainties .
27 ( b ) Express terms Unless there is a written contract ( which is rare in most consumer sales ) there is the possibility that the parol evidence rule may prevent the successful incorporation of extrinsic evidence .
28 We use a proprietary autumn fertiliser to encourage strong roots and stiffer growth , which is beneficial for the winter conditions ahead .
29 The advantage of this system is that lessons have a clear focus , which is beneficial to student and teacher .
30 The possibility of incorporation represents a difficult route because of the close involvement and commitment of the local authority to that service , which is beneficial to it .
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