Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I mean , they 're the only ones that , you know wanted them to see it really .
2 He 's drunk enough to float the Mauretania , and left me to drive him home that 's had so little over me lips you would think it was Lent . ’
3 This may make her feel that society regards her as a second-class widow , and you may need to help those who come into contact with her to understand how important it is going to be for her future adjustment for them to treat her just as they would any other bereaved person .
4 ‘ I suppose you 're expecting me to carry you now ? ’ he charged tersely .
5 When I move against them do not expect me to treat you differently from the way I treat them .
6 It is then up to me to implement it successfully by controlling my behaviour whilst keeping an eye on progress towards the indicators of success .
7 And he stopped me and said : ‘ Son , I saw ye practising , and I 've always found with a player of your capabilities it is best to tell them to hit it straight at the pin ! ’
8 ‘ Yesterday you were a very Good Samaritan , ’ she smiled , and took the opportunity , while he seemed halfway friendly , to enquire , ‘ I do n't suppose it would be convenient for me to interview you now , Mr Gajdusek , would it ? ’
9 ‘ You would n't expect them to paint it pretty pink , would you ? ’
10 In the light of Williams v. Roffey , should Mocatta J. have held that the performance of their contract by the yard was a benefit , and therefore consideration , to the owners because it enabled them to perform their very advantageous charter agreement with Shell ( corresponding to the avoidance of the penalty in Williams and the encouragement of the potential defaulters in Anangel ) ?
11 This made them wish to take me to see something more lovely on the island .
12 And how interesting was the way in which it took advantage of so little light as to shine enough for me to see it so clearly .
13 In the seat in front two passengers recognized the farm where they lived and wanted me to see it too .
14 Then , with distant civility , ‘ Perhaps you 'll allow me to see you safely to your hotel ? ’
15 As strategic proposals emerge , each subsystem will evaluate them against developments in other subsystems , in so far as it perceives them to affect it too .
16 We welcome visitors and we ant them to enjoy it here . ’
17 I have passed on to them the teaching and worship tapes sent on to e here and they have asked me to thank you sincerely and they ask you to continue to pray for them .
18 Mr Mason has asked me to thank you very much for the invitation to attend the announcement of the name of the winning architect chosen to design the new Museum on 13th August .
19 ‘ Maybe it 's like diving , and the degree of difficulty is too great for them to pass it forward . ’
20 ‘ Well , there 's nothing to frighten you here . ’
21 He wrote round to fifteen builders on 22nd March and , with what today would be regarded as incredible naïveté , asked them to meet him together at the Office of Works on 24th March .
22 Do you want me to meet you tomorrow or anything ?
23 You told me to meet you further back . ' ’
24 ‘ Do n't tell me to pull myself together , ’ I said .
25 ‘ If I was lonely , I would not have gone to a teacher and said so — he would have told me to pull myself together .
26 ‘ You wander into my life with your lies and arrogance , tell me to pull myself together , and then proceed to stab me in the back ! ’
27 ‘ It still thrills me to know my queenly mother did something improper at least once . ’
28 Now take the 11 outlined letters and unscramble them to find something else we have at Christmas .
29 We can improve our ability to understand our horse if we can gradually train ourselves to observe it more intently , and to see in what situations and in what context different sounds , movements , and behaviour are used .
30 Simon Andrew Detchon , 19 , of Cleveland Street , Great Ayton , was convicted of receiving a stolen cover note knowing or believing it stolen , making a false instrument , namely a cover note , with intent to induce someone to accept it as genuine , using a motor without insurance , forging or altering an insurance certificate , using insurance with intent to deceive , fined £350 plus £30 costs , licence endorsed , disqualified for one month .
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