Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] her back " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Rose is still very upset — shall I take her back to her hotel ? ’
2 Could you ring her back when you 've got a moment ?
3 Can you ring her back ?
4 She walked with him to the bus-stop , would not let him walk her back to the flat , said not to follow her ; she 'd watch , be angry .
5 But instead , she had let him drive her back to the flat ; had stood by in mute acquiescence while he 'd ransacked her drawers and cupboards and packed her a bag .
6 She let him help her back up the slope , round the other side of the danger area , and demonstrate by the skeletal walls where the various rooms of the baths lay , and their impressive extent .
7 Or would they fly her back to Paris ?
8 But , I , what I ca n't understand is , why all of a sudden does he want her back and see the children , well for over a year he kept her away ?
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