Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] i would " in BNC.

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1 He made me promise I would n't say anything about it . ’
2 Little did I think I would soon be playing , or trying to play , this one .
3 Did I think I would be able to manage for a while on my own ? ( with Mena , and Mr James in the offing ) .
4 really great it was , you know I did n't really think it would turn out as big as it has done you know , but it 's turned out beautiful has n't it really , yeah we was , I was thrilled especially when they built the new houses round the front we used to go and keep looking at them , little did I think I would get one , and the housing officer came one day and he said would you like one of the new ones , I said I would and it was four bedroom but we got , you see we 've got the other bedroom over my daughter-in-law 's , so me and hubby used to have the en right down a long passage and the bedroom was over like the sit you 've got a bedroom over the sitting room like see and she erm , we used to have so the children did n't make a noise to disturb her so my hubby and I had that room , yeah , it was quite nice it was , nice house , I erm , you know , enjoyed being there , bringing up the family , you want plenty of room you 've got a big family do n't you really ?
5 Maria Luisa made me swear I would never tell anyone and I did because she needed to trust someone .
6 Did she think I would n't understand ?
7 Did she think I would n't notice ? thought Viola , beginning to breathe heavily .
8 ‘ If there is no room here , there is plenty up on the hill , and where do you think I would like to be ? ’
9 Do you think I would n't do it , if I could ?
10 Did n't you think I would want to know ?
11 Do you think I would have let the Master grow into the twisted megalomaniac he is if I could have prevented it ?
12 He ignored it and said : ‘ What makes you think I would n't shoot you ? ’
13 Did you think I would sit here and wait for you to kill me .
14 Did you think I would n't come back ? ’
15 Do n't you think I would teach R.E .
16 ‘ Do you think I would choose to be so ? ’
17 Do you think I would n't remember ?
18 ‘ Now why should you think I would be harbouring thoughts of revenge , unless … ’ she let a silence grow ‘ … you know a very good reason why I should feel that way ? ’
19 ‘ Do you think I would have waited around for all this if I had ? ’
20 Do you think I would use you like any common slut ? ’
21 Do you think I would stand aside and let you suffer , as my mother did ?
22 If I 'm clever enough to plot out something so absurd , do n't you think I would be clever enough to conceal it ?
23 How far , indeed , do you think I would get alone ?
24 ‘ Do you think I would hurt you , my lovely girl ?
25 Did you think I would fall straight into your arms , confessing everything ? ’
26 ‘ Do you think I would n't have died before they could dishonour you so ? ’
27 ‘ Wh … what makes you think I would know that ? ’
28 If I did , do you think I would be sitting here letting you rough me up ?
29 ‘ How could you think I would do that ?
30 Do you think I would , would n't put an X on a football coupon maybe they do .
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