Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He 's drunk enough to float the Mauretania , and left me to drive him home that 's had so little over me lips you would think it was Lent . ’
2 There is no-one to round him off , hold him back and help him to lessen the inevitable path to the eccentricity .
3 Lance Buckmaster , our esteemed Minister for External Security has asked me to attend him down at the ancestral home , Tavey Grange on Dartmoor . ’
4 He wrote round to fifteen builders on 22nd March and , with what today would be regarded as incredible naïveté , asked them to meet him together at the Office of Works on 24th March .
5 Sister not only gave smiling permission , she allowed me to escort him back to his car .
6 ‘ If young Seb can add to the three horses he 's got now he 'll soon be needing someone to help him out .
7 He needs someone to calm him down .
8 There is nothing which can be guaranteed to alienate the affections of a statistician more than the surveyor who goes for advice after he has made a mess of sampling and needs someone to get him out of the mess .
9 ‘ I shouted for someone to get him out , but I knew instantly that he could n't be saved .
10 ‘ I shouted for someone to get him out , but I knew instantly that he could n't be saved .
11 ‘ He needs someone to take him apart .
12 Sometimes when I was drunk and I 'd see him standing there looking all quiet and black and white and gorgeous , waiting for someone to take him home , I 'd get all teary and want to go up and slap him and shout in his face : How can you possibly understand what it means !
13 What right had I to bring him here and to inflict this sort of suffering on him ?
14 And then of course , he allowed me to serve him then .
15 Leo , he 's 2 , he wants me to pick him up .
16 You come up with me to pick him up tomorrow ?
17 We could do nothing to sort him out because we had decided not to do anything foolish .
18 So poor Willy was left in a situation where there was nobody to help him out with the f a full pool table for which he could n't get the key .
19 No , I assure you , he 'll want me to buy him out , which I can easily do .
20 CLAUDIUS : With all my heart , and it doth content me To hear him so inclined .
21 She put him through the most intensive analysis with nothing to help him afterwards .
22 One good look at Ruari 's strained face and Mairi Ban had him on his feet , his arms over their shoulders for them to help him home .
23 ‘ I thought you might like to come with me to help him home . ’
24 ‘ Because I can arrange for you to see him again . ’
25 ‘ I 'll leave you to greet him alone .
26 None of this convinced Mrs Singh who left the classroom saying in an unusually dictatorial tone to the class teacher , ‘ I want you to sort him out and bring homework home . ’
27 I ask you to deal him leniently in that because of that .
28 Hm So he 's good really for you to ride him really cause he 's
29 On the contrary , he considered that an exceptionally valuable opportunity for enabling you to kick him more robustly and with least personal danger .
30 Now this individual has passed his exam and it is up to you to get him through . ’
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