Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet there is nothing to support or to disprove the identification .
2 There was no point in transforming Paris and making it easy of access for visitors if there was nothing to see or do when one got there , and so the Court was to be made open as well as brilliant .
3 We duly wrote to the CAA , asking them to confirm or deny this practice .
4 The Liberal 's local income tax proposals , in contrast , would cost virtually nothing to implement or collect .
5 No reason for either of them to write or telephone , not after what had been said .
6 When she arrived at Walsall , she informed Edward that Mrs Noble , after sending her earlier a ‘ vulgar and jeering ’ letter in which ‘ She does her best to make me doubt you ’ , had forbidden them to meet or correspond until Helen reached years of discretion — her twenty-first birthday on 11 July 1898 .
7 He does nothing to hide or excuse Jacob 's cruelty .
8 One fundamental difference between junior and adult fiction is that many ( in certain periods , most ) writers for children feel they must tell their readers what they want them to know or to feel .
9 Wait for someone to die or retire or something
10 These can be just as useful even if you do not have the benefit of an instant peer group with whom to celebrate or commiserate on your shared experience .
11 And the men of Angus , here in the centre , would be close enough to their fellows under Kineth to make it easy for them to falter or abscond .
12 General browsing is associated with public library users " who look over books in order to decide which to borrow or read . "
13 Many developing nations , with limited resources available with which to adjust or adapt to changes in climate , will have to rely on international assistance even more than they do at present .
14 But to do this there must be viable , efficient and economic alternatives , either pleasant and safe facilities in which to walk or cycle , or reliable modes of public transport .
15 That is surely no basis on which to retain or discard the national coach .
16 They 're , er , th they 've got three suggestions been made , which to consider or discuss further .
17 They had shortcomings but behind them were two seasons of unprecedented success , a sturdy platform on which to build or to consolidate .
18 Never having taken much interest in the garden at Four Winds , other than it being a place in which to read or play solitary games , she at first decided that it was probably best to let him have his way ; but his silences began to unnerve her , as much as his occasional seemingly innocent remarks about his previous employers .
19 The pendant or hanging variety give good overall light but tend to flatten shadows and do not provide enough light by which to read or work comfortably .
20 A lot of what has been said about make up has been very negative its to disguise or improve , its also an expression of er inner identity and its not something that 's new to the twentieth century , its something that we 've been doing you know since the beginning of time with war paint and what not .
21 This may simply mean a better understanding of historical sites , including those abroad in this age of mass foreign travel ; it may lead to active participation of an archaeological nature ; it may mean a better guide by which to judge or understand the paperback or so-called " historical novel " or the historical play on television .
22 So again can you see you have other people to consider if you 've partners , but that 's one of the difficulties of having a partner , but then again think , if you do n't have a partner , that 's worse cos you 've nobody to communicate with , nobody to shout at , nobody to organize or organize you , er nobody ready made to go out with , you 've got it all to do yourself because your number one requirement when you 're left on your own is to get the company and the activity , whereas if you , if you are er living with a person then at least a certain amount of that is ready to hand .
23 In contrast , Stephen Timewell , mayor of Taunton in 1682 – 3 , a man who prided himself as having " tamed these stubborn Fanatics " during his term in office , nevertheless found that he too had to " leave off my shop trade , for ever since I have done these things not one of a hundred comes near me to buy or sell and they make it their business to persuade people not to come near me " .
24 That is why I say that at impact , during a proper swing , the shaft of a club is doing nothing to help or hinder a shot — and we can have no control over it at this point .
25 For him the laws of settlement hardly prevented the " idle poor " from wandering and a stricter enforcement of vagrancy laws would " compel the poor to starve or beg at home ; for there it will be impossible for them to steal or rob without being presently hanged or transported out of the way " .
26 These passions are disinterested , in the sense that they excite me to help or harm you as in yourself attractive or repulsive to me , irrespective of further advantage to myself ; they treat you not as means but as end , if only as a negative end .
27 ‘ When and if the TCCB tell me to resign or change things , then I will resign or change things .
28 Whilst social provision allows retired people to exist , there is little scope for them to grow or make full use of their later years .
29 General Accident will insure you for all sums which you may be held legally liable to pay for death or injury to other persons or damage to their property , as a result of any accident involving any motor cycle which your certificate of motor insurance permits you to drive or use .
30 We will insure you for all sums which you may have to pay for death of , or injury to , other people or damage to their property , as a result of any accident involving any vehicle which your certificate of motor insurance4 allows you to drive or use .
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