Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dredge tried to hog the credit , but it 's clear to me where it really belongs .
2 Keith realizes Goliath has padded his because it simply has not crossed his mind he might lose .
3 I am immensely kindly supported in my lonely periods here by a whole host of interesting and talented friends — nearly all of whom are John 's age or nearer yours as it so happens .
4 Eventually I though it much wiser to give up being called Manager and since then I 've had to adapt myself .
5 ‘ Are you trying to make this even more intolerable for me than it already is ? ’
6 An organization which if it ever came to be formed will be representing nearly two million people .
7 Which if it ever was we ca n't recall .
8 The black cloud fizzed its way towards them until it almost filled the screen .
9 It is only relevant to you if it actually speeds up , improves , or reduces the cost of your computerized personnel information system .
10 cos I 'm assuming that there are some people who when it actually comes to the crunch
11 I told her she could have my one cos it only had that much ink in it .
12 It was a victory for Mrs Thatcher — though a debatable one since it largely snuffed out the power of British local government at a time when many other European countries were trying to decentralize and devolve .
13 Fearon looked temporarily nonplussed , then shrugged , tossed the towel back into the bathroom behind him where it presumably landed on the floor and growled , ‘ All right , I 'll show you around .
14 ‘ But you 're still not hitting him where it really hurts . ’
15 Lecturing was now easier for him than it once had been — he had , after all , accumulated a great deal of experience — but the readings of his own poetry frequently left him exhausted .
16 I wo n't tell him if it never happens again .
17 In good English that had only a speck of accent , just a faint edge that you would wonder every time you heard him if it really was some kind of accent .
18 Once you 've done it once it actually relatively easy for you to improve it an an and getting it better in the next iteration , erm that is exactly the situation you 've got here .
19 And I mean she 's , you 've got room out there to have it if it just stands .
20 The trust for sale terms drawn up gave the trustees the right to manage the land and an obligation to sell it if it no longer produced a satisfactory income , with the proceeds of the sale going to the beneficiary , the consent of the beneficiary being necessary before the sale could take place .
21 If it if it actually actually finishes on clarinet F , which is the E flat ,
22 However , after exhaustive efforts to produce interfaces using Motif — which it dubs a ‘ deranged widget set ’ — the company has decided to ‘ stop throwing good money after bad and cease using it until it either improves or disappears . ’
23 He tugged and pulled at it until it eventually moved over his nose and ears , causing his hair to spring up in all directions like soft wire .
24 Dean proved to be generally rude and disruptive to his fellow actors , and spent much of his free time in his dressing room , refusing to speak to anyone unless it directly concerned the film .
25 Quarter which is very distinctive when you get to recognize it because it just looks different actually moves much less .
26 Juries only believe it because it always happens in TV cop shows .
27 Nine times out of ten you will not be paid for this advice , but do take the call and deal with it because it rapidly establishes your credibility with the CAB and will prove fruitful in the future .
28 The staff admit that a sudden rise in entrances to the zoo was likely to be largely due to an interest by the public who wanted to visit it before it finally closed and they agree that problems remain for the future .
29 it stopped it dead in its track , yeah , could n't get to rewire it after it though it snapped it a little bit .
30 What sort of feeling will you associate with it when it is–only a memory from the past ?
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