Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Here a question may be raised as to just what we mean when we think of ourselves as plunged by the twentieth century into a chaos of relativism .
2 If this was the case the caveman 's body would need to be ready to run away very quickly , or enable him to try to defend himself if caught by the tiger .
3 A similar case exists where A interferes with the subject-matter of the contract in a way which if done by B would amount to a breach of the contract .
4 These rules include provision for the calculation of a quota of votes which if gained by a candidate will ensure election and this has the effect of producing in each constituency a result in seats which is as nearly proportional as possible to the opinions of the voters .
5 As when he talks about colour , he distinguishes between the painter 's requirements and those of the sightseer ; so a dry heat may produce an aerial density in the atmosphere very favourable to view the scenery , which if lit by ‘ a cloudless sky will be too general to please the ( painter 's ) eye of taste . ’
6 Reed Consumer Books was this week locked in dispute with leading wholesalers after proposing to introduce a standardised discount structure and abolishing full credit on returns , in a move which if pursued by other publishers could seriously damage the long-term prospects of the wholesale sector .
7 is the number which if multiplied by itself
8 He made , like many intellectuals , rather a fool of himself when flattered by people in power — in his case , Catherine .
9 Protein kinase C is the name given to a group of kinases , which when activated by diacylglycerol in the presence of phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine , phosphorylate proteins on serine or threonine .
10 It 's a device which when read by scanner , gives a unique code ; one of 34 billion possibles .
11 We can go to London tomorrow — I 'd much prefer to drive there with you than go by train . ’
12 Rather they see it as production — the production of meaning by the text itself when activated by the reader .
13 The State regards itself as threatened by Counter-revolution ; its apparatus of power is theoreti cally entitled to employ all means at its disposal ; the great leader person ally authorises the use of force ( and who dares contradict him ? ) ; the army and security forces lumber in with a grotesque over-use of fire power — in this case including heli copters — and within minutes there are bodies in the streets .
14 v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food the Court of Appeal , while regarding itself as bound by the view that Article 86 gave rise to a claim for damages , held that another directly applicable provision , Article 30 ( dealing with quantitative restrictions on imports ) attracted only the remedy of judicial review .
15 Or again , for the ruling class or race against which such a movement rebels , as long as its authority is secure there are very strong practical advantages in thinking of its subjects as incapable of governing themselves , happy and carefree in their poverty , innately inferior in intelligence , out of work only if lazy , loyal and grateful for all one has done for them unless misled by irresponsible agitators ; it is only when they start to be dangerously restive that it becomes practically useful to understand their motives and capacities better .
16 The formula was clearly a successful one as proved by the high survival rate and healthy condition of all four penguin species .
17 Williams later acknowledged that his thesis was in fact the same one as propounded by C.L.R.James in his book ‘ The Black Jacobins ’ .
18 However , the effect of the recent tribunal decisions in Warrener v Walden Engineering Co Ltd ( Case No 22672/91 , Hull 21 October 1991 ) and in Perry v Intec Colleges Ltd [ 1993 ] IRLR 56 is that there is a major risk for a purchaser that he is now obliged to provide occupational pension benefits to the employees equivalent to those enjoyed by them while employed by the vendor .
19 She went everywhere with him unless forbidden by regulations and never went away on her own . ’
20 I wonder what Ministry will provoke in the kids here inside this Berlin dope den — are they as consumed by the same perverse taste for blood as myself ?
21 I felt not so much introduced to him as invaded by him .
22 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
23 Kydd , 50 , of Brownhill Road , Dundee , denied that on 1 March , on the northmost entrance road leading to Timex Electronics Corporation in Harrison Road , he conducted himself in a disorderly manner , parked his car on the road , locked the doors and windows and refused to move it when asked by police .
24 Let us say that the meaning of a statement is cognitive if and only if there is a certain belief such that one is speaking either insincerely or incorrectly if one makes that statement or assents to it as uttered by another without having that belief .
25 Most readers probably take it as explained by Tolkien 's preceding remark , ‘ To their man-children [ hobbits ] usually gave names that had no meaning at all in their daily language …
26 In particular I want to consider what conceptions skilled and unskilled workers hold ‘ in their minds ’ about their working environment and authority within it as represented by management and , conversely , what conceptions managers hold in their minds about the status and process of management .
27 Under Ord 18 , r8 the plaintiff must plead both the claim for provisional damages and the facts relied on to support it as specified by s32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
28 On May 22nd ( the day following his terrible vow against Elfed ) he writes up a typical entry : ‘ Went to see As You Like It as performed by Form 4 .
29 ‘ I do not regard myself as bound by these appointments …
30 Granted that words have a certain elasticity of meaning , the general rule remains that the judges regard themselves as bound by the words of a statute when these words clearly govern the situation before the court .
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