Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her nightmares had deeply affected Richard , and so Beth had told her husband , ‘ Either they stay close by where I can hear them should they need me … or I 'll arrange for the children , and myself , to move to the east end of the house . ’
2 And one of the main advantages of these very compressed and arduous courses is that they give students approaching drama school entry an opportunity of seeing what will be required of them should they gain a place at drama school .
3 Cos if anybody who could they come on if they caught cold and and
4 You 'd they think .
5 If I was n't there , who would they have ?
6 Lessingham asked : ‘ Who will they appoint , a director or a station manager ? ’
7 Who will they go to if there are regional governments as well ?
8 Harold asked the question that I expected ; ‘ If they wo n't meet Barbara , who will they meet ? ’
9 Who will they sell ?
10 Who can they blame now ? ’
11 Who can they blame now ? ’
12 Who can they turn to ?
13 Who can they turn to if the native landowners and the French are against them ? "
14 " If you 're asking me would they steal for it , well then I do n't know .
15 I mean really they should they do n't mind
16 Well , they 'll they said if you 're a the stress .
17 If someone had tried to make it as boring as they could they 've succeeded , basically . ’
18 Brian said they 'd they closed the motorway .
19 I think Jackie and Tom they 'd they did .
20 Would they would they write it like that in the music ?
21 So did did they think they were doing themselves a disservice then when they , maybe when they amalgamated , or when they became part of the boilermakers , or when the boilermakers started taking in various trades to approach the employers as a as a a black squad unit for wage rises and conditions and so on , or did they they Would they have preferred to have done it themselves do you think ?
22 And the ploughmen that were here , too they would they come from the West .
23 Both of us have wives and when they can they come with us and they do video .
24 Far as they can they push their little fame ,
25 Only when touch sensitivity and vision are added to them will they become capable of much wider application , but then , of course , their cost will be higher .
26 While neighbours need to contribute to some notional ‘ stock of common good ’ , so that they can draw on it should they become in need of help at some point in the future , they also wish not to be imposed upon by the needs of others .
27 I said to I said cos he 'd they 'd been talking about me .
28 And it will they made it quite clear that we are way ahead particularly of people like the S and T
29 This power is still available to the police today and three questions arise in relation to it : first , what is the meaning of breach of the peace ? ; secondly , when may the police act ? ; and thirdly , what may they do ?
30 If such is the character of these places now , what must they have been like when both men and livestock could only get around them by boat , and parishes such as Dogdyke in Lincolnshire had in the eighteenth century ‘ not two houses communicable for whole winters round ’ .
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