Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] do is " in BNC.

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1 I think what you and I ought to do is sit down we ought to list the pros and cons and problems of and look at them afresh and then maybe talk to Tom anyway .
2 What I must do is get to know the people over a few hours or days and find out what they 're trying to do , what their activities are , whether they have children or pets .
3 ‘ First thing I must do is to sell the emeralds I inherited from my mother , they will bring me in enough to buy in leather and begin to trade again . ’
4 I went past this woman 's door , her name was Emily , and it was like I was passing a huge vulva , so big it has a desk inside , and I decided that what I should do is make an actual photocopy of my dick , in fact two copies , one before coming , one after , and leave these , along with an asterisk memo , on her desk . ’
5 What I should do is take the first one tonight .
6 There 's your job the first thing I should do is say well what are the key tasks , what are the areas that would mean results ?
7 What I might do is steal credit cards and use them .
8 Or what I might do is make a couple of these up but fill them out a bit more .
9 Well what I might do is just put one soap in each cos it
10 What I might do is go back to Marks .
11 But I think possibly what I might do is try and make this grape vine one the first one where we actually do do it properly .
12 he 's retired , but he 's , he 's been quite busy with this Festival , but I , I said to him , now what I 'll do is maybe come and you and him and Jane maybe kind of will just sort of have a quick confab sometime just talk about what he wants , and he will be kind of happy to do that with obviously we 'd have to find a drop of money to pay for the tapes , I mean that would n't be huge and expensive .
13 Right , well what I 'll do is , if you like , that 's it this is the erm , erm Linda
14 Position positional isomers branch chain functional group and there 's one other odd one which has a very peculiar name and the name it normally goes by is a fairly old name , now I 'm not sure at this stage if that name is still used but what I 'll do is to describe the form of the isomerism first and let you decide what you would prefer to call it .
15 I mean what I 'll do is I 'll come and sit down with each of you and and we 'll
16 They they 're summarized here and what I 'll do is we 'll get photocopies off these before team brief .
17 Actually what I 'll do is wait until the Autumn , take a big stick , but send Andy up there and knock them in the bag .
18 Erm so erm what I 'll do is just indicate the amounts as they stand .
19 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
20 Well I , I ca n't really do much about that tonight but if , if you can leave that with me , what I 'll do is I 'll have a word with er
21 ‘ So what I 'll do is , I 'll chop bits off , ’ agreed the wizard .
22 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
23 . What I 'll do is that I 'll final of action shortly and I 'll tu
24 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
25 Right , well as I say I 've got your details here so what I 'll do is if you bear with me I 'll go and a have a look through the drawers and see what we 've got available .
26 Well what I 'll do is I 'll stick it in my diary for a couple of weeks .
27 What I 'll do is give you a system whereby even at the drop of a hat you will be able to put together a few words and speak with clarity , speak coherently and be able to put your point of view across .
28 What I 'll do is I 'll try another straw poll at the end of the seven lectures and see how we feel then to see if we 've erm we 've shifted , so I think there it was about , I 'm guessing , sixty five thirty five in favour of Maastricht .
29 Erm , what we 're gon na do now is look at some number crunching and what I 'll do is give you Pearson 's erm formula for calculating the correlation coefficient .
30 What I 'll do is arrange to show the video for the seminar in case you have n't got any questions , yeah ?
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