Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] were " in BNC.

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1 Some indication of the immense editorial difficulties that arose , many of which I may say were not solved until the , the Pléiade edition in three volumes of nineteen fifty-four , some of the difficulty I think is hinted at , at any rate , in a recent description of the state of Proust 's papers at the moment of his death , and I quote : ‘ Huge packets of type- and manuscript , the pages festooned with half-illegible addenda , and blackened with savage deletions which had swallowed up entire paragraphs , heaped the ugly little bamboo table that stood near his death-bed , and overflowed from the shelves of the table along the top of the nearby chimneypiece .
2 I checked the engine number with Perkins ( whom I might add were extremely pleasant and helpful ) who later found it to be the 4236 , rated at 82 bhp .
3 went to put the , he , he went away again , but I , I did mention to the police , who I might say were very helpful were ninety per cent of burglars do n't get cleared up so of course it was n't important and I never expected it would be , but I did mention to the police at the time that I would like an future occasion because I 've been trying to use guns in America er to have a gun in the house but they er , but they would n't erm agree to it at all
4 Some of these newsreels I might say were faked , I do n't mean George Albert Smith 's were faked , but erm there was for example the case erm of the Boer War .
5 I could do were both starving , I 've finished mine .
6 When all I could reply were the two forlorn words , ‘ No English , ’ he asked me if I knew French .
7 All I could feel were five soft muzzles have a friendly sniff .
8 I knew the ones she meant ; she meant the square transparent boiled sweets which when she was a child would have been weighed out in pennyworths from a tall glass jar , but although I searched in grocers ’ shops and sweet shops high and low , all I could find were wrapped oval-shaped acid drops .
9 This is only the tip , all the facts I could get were in the paper . ’
10 Some of the things I could see were some sheep droppings , a stone or two , my rucksack and an aluminium ring pull from someone 's can of juice .
11 The few square inches of it that I could see were spoiled by the sticky red blood which had pooled out over them .
12 Not much late I asked Dr Ethelwynn Trewavas her opinion , and she assured me two species were involved , and kindly showed me photos of the teeth of both species , which even I could see were different .
13 ‘ Anyway , all I could see were violet eyes and a wide smile , and , after a few weeks of being slowly driven to distraction by your lovely ghost following me around , I decided to come to England .
14 All I could see were feet and legs , and they looked enormous .
15 All I could see were a pair of white legs wrapped round a creaking great torso and the royal arse going up and down like a pair of bellows whilst the ‘ Oohs ’ and ‘ Ahs ’ were chorused by Henry 's groans of lustful delight .
16 Now if you come to Caldmore , you 'll find out then that the majority of the married ladies had worked in I mean I should say that erm I know my mother was very snooty she 'd been an apprentice to some dressmakers in Street and work for one year for nothing she always used to tell me , and she was quite er toffee- nosed about these girls that used that er that used to go , well they were very respectable people , and when I was a kid when I growing up in my teens a lot of the girls I used to know were in the offices at er it they employed about fifteen hundred people at in those days you know I mean coming out of at night it was fighting your way against the crowd if you were going towards it , and the same thing going through the square for people who have worked in when they left that 's why all those shops in the square used to do reasonably well , it was the people walking through to go up the other side of Walsall , but there was a crowd of people I can , I can always remember as a kid a crowd of people and then there 'd be well you can tell it was along Street in those days I can remember fruiters ' carts where the girls used to go and buy apples , and that all sort of going along there you know people used to wait for them coming out , these are my impressions as a kid I mean I can remember the , the er and the men of course were cutters and various people and a quite a lot of my father 's friends were , were er had er skilled jobs at as cutters and managers of the cutters ' department and that sort of thing .
17 Erm , as I 've said before , I have reservations about whether a much increased figure about above the County Council 's er proposal could be accommodated within Ryedale District Council , and I if the figure above that is proposed I would suggest that the extra is accommodated within the new settlement , which I presume the ar argue answer you would have expected from Ryedale , erm Barton Willmore 's figure is based on an assumption that they believe that within Ryedale there is a capacity to increase past building rates , I would refute that , erm the building rates in Southern Ryedale I would suggest were abnormally high , because of the development of Clifton Moor airfield , the North Western part of the Southern Ryedale district , sorry South Western part .
18 The other moments I will treasure were the near-perfect serving of Michael Stich in his first Wimbledon final against Boris Becker , which puts a new and totally unexpected name on that historic trophy ; the charmless street-fighter qualities of Monica Seles which nevertheless took her to the number one spot in the world while showing total contempt for most of the accepted standards of behaviour that should belong to a champion ; and finally the conversion of Andre Agassi from teenage rebel to near-establishment idol at Wimbledon , where he appeared in shining white and won the hearts not only of his adoring army of fans , but also of most of the middle-age traditionalists .
19 In indicating content and method they spawn ‘ approved ’ material of all kinds which , if used , serves to protect the individual teacher from any criticism which might arise were he or she to follow a more tangential or personalised approach to meeting curriculum goals .
20 The main disadvantage of a Schedule E income tax charge is that it arises before the managers realise any cash from their shares to pay the tax , and that the benefit of indexation , which would apply were the gains to be subject to capital gains tax rather than income tax , will not be available .
21 And if you look at there are certain er types of people in history who use very non-symmetrical hand gestures who perhaps you might say were not the most open communicators in the world
22 All the bushes she could see were small and scrubby and she could n't find an excuse to leave S. Kettering and double back to the front of the house .
23 But , apart from that , the only flats she could see were still as small and impossibly expensive .
24 But the only real sign of activity she could see were the tractors , at work in some of the fields , cutting hay .
25 And when she went into the garden all she could see were some fading lupins and irises , not enough to fill one vase .
26 The mask of helmet and balaclava beneath meant that all she could see were the man 's eyes and mouth — but his eyes shone a lustrous dark brown and his lips were fine sculpted .
27 Artemis sat absolutely still in her bath , trying to hear what Rosie and the other maids were saying , but all she could hear were their silly giggles .
28 All she could hear were soft snores .
29 The only sounds she could hear were the deep voices of Ocean .
30 I drank too much at dinner and missed whole stretches of conversation , noting at one point with tipsy clarity that people who could converse were a great boon to the inarticulate who yet , when in the company of their tongue-tied fellows , felt it essential to say something .
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