Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I will also devote some time to topic work because of the importance I attach to integrated approaches to learning .
2 I want to Blue Horizons .
3 I listen to classical , jazz , rock , MOR , everything .
4 I pledge to increase the amount of time or money I give to environmental and development organisations .
5 I travel to other worlds . ’
6 Accordingly , Sir David has requested that I convey to young Reginald the facts of life . ’
7 Quite often , the first clue that I get to old age anxiety is when a mature dog is referred to me with , what appears to be , an ‘ out of character ’ separation anxiety .
8 I should make it clear that I am drawing on notions of an idealised business environment when I refer to unambiguous communication being the motive power which occasions accountability .
9 ( In the following discussion , I refer to specific grammatical and phonological features of JC and London English ( LE ) using numbers in square brackets .
10 I REFER to recent reports ( Echo January 28 ) concerning the promotion of accommodation establishments in the Borough of Darlington .
11 I refer to recent letters about the cost of house sales and also to an article today in your Property section .
12 I refer to paid maternity leave , child allowance , single parent allowances etc .
13 I refer to public statements attributed to the President , the Secretary or other high Government officials in which various countries are named as especial objects of United States interest and concern , but from which the name of Korea very frequently is omitted .
14 I refer to social audits , contract compliance agencies , work force monitoring , compulsory disclosure of information , minimum wages , equality tribunals and many other Opposition ideas .
15 I refer to Spitting Image ( ITV ) , which last time round was held in check until the polls had safely closed , but this time was allowed an outing on Wednesday while the electorate were still technically making up their minds .
16 I refer to would-be parliamentary candidates , Bordes-type aspirants with lunging bosoms and other improbable specimens , who seek to board the Candidates ' List , and in due course may turn up before our selection committees .
17 I appeal to medical colleagues who are concerned about the persecution of this brave woman to write to General Than Shwe ( salutation : Dear General ) , Chairman , State Law and Order Restoration Council , c/o Ministry of Defence , Signal Pagoda Road , Yangon , Union of Myanmar .
18 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
19 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
20 I turn to old favourites in time of stress .
21 When I go to other er council buildings er throughout the area they 've all got these little er digital locks and people have got cards to get in and out with .
22 I go to various salons and when I 'm in London I get it cut and coloured at Macmillans in Covent Garden — they 're really good .
23 I go to high street shops that do high fashion looks at low prices , Ms Selfridge in Belfast Oxford Street are good . ’
24 It 's the last time I go to fucking France .
25 So that that bit you , you got no problem with it , if I keep to positive numbers inside there , have you ?
26 ‘ You know what I do to little boys who whistle ? ’
27 No doubt there are other ways to criticize the legal opera ; these I leave to other critics .
28 Right , now we 've come I think to future events , erm , and we need to just try and list anything you know that 's coming up so , partly so that we 've actually got it down writing and we can look back on it .
29 But , but , but the whole social and cultural revolution evolution change has led I think to whole different schisms in the press which perhaps may have existed in some of the very one might almost say near communist publication like the
30 I come to Central Region quite regularly as a cycling tourist , and the train service from Edinburgh to Stirling and Dunblane is very useful because cycles can be carried on it , free of charge .
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