Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The animals within them are therefore extremely vulnerable , mainly because the populations within them tend to be too small for safety .
2 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
3 Additionally , most published publication counts refer to active practitioners , rather than to Ph D students , many of whom cease to be active in the subject field of their training .
4 Additionally , most published publication counts refer to active practitioners , rather than to Ph D students , many of whom cease to be active in the subject field of their training .
5 Both of them want to be close and both need to repair their inner confusion about what they can allow themselves .
6 This facet of the culture is perhaps the reason why the British administrative and academic élites have obliquely indicated to the police that they do not consider them fit to be allowed to take charge of police research .
7 My Lords , that concludes my analysis of what I perceive to be the important British cases but before seeking to draw conclusions therefrom I must refer to certain Commonwealth and American cases .
8 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
9 Not that I mean to be cynical , but I do teach in an inner-city school ( where only Advanced Level pupils have textbooks — and they share — and where practical work involves half-a-dozen to a bunsen ) .
10 The other thing I mean to be healthy it 's more important to dry things and keep them dry for a while than to boil them .
11 I mean to be that man . ’
12 Oh , yes , I mean to be there .
13 But when it suits them they choose not to be seen and seen you know sort of divide and rule tactics of seen as different entities really and I mean to be how dare and one one comment was how dare these men gang up against us .
14 Yeah I , I mean to be honest on that I was more conscious of the fact that we 'd only got fifteen
15 Can I ask you about er the medium range surface to air missile because er , you wo n't be surprised to learn , that er the committee 's received a number of submissions on this matter er which suggest that er er t to proceed with Eurofighter two thousand without the medium range surface to air missile er I mean to be put rather bluntly to us , that it makes little sense to proceed with the aircraft without a replacement for blood hound .
16 I mean to be frank I hear this charge from all over the country .
17 Well t I mean to be honest erm tt I wanted to try some different things er cos I 've seen these guys today
18 but I mean , but like I said , I said , I mean , I went , I went to the like I changed then , I mean to be quite honest I did n't like it , I did n't like it
19 yeah I mean to be honest it 's just a case of one of you , it does go that way , I knew I was right the first time , of one of you just remembering
20 But I mean to be fair we used to we , warehouse thousands of tons of potatoes in Leicestershire , you see what I mean ?
21 Having said this , let me try to make clear what I do not mean to be claiming in this section , lest I be taken to be arguing for more than I intend to be .
22 I intend to be gone when he does .
23 I intend to be like him , ’ Edmund told her .
24 And I intend to be your favourite —
25 Mr. Alison : I intend to be present at the next meeting of the General Synod which is scheduled for July of this year .
26 I promised to be in a certain place by this time tomorrow , and I intend to be there .
27 Winner takes all , and as I intend to be the winner , shooting you would be a bit of a waste .
28 I confirm that this is the name by which I intend to be known in all my professional practices as a lawyer .
29 I intend to be at the harbour to meet them . ’
30 As someone who made little enough progress beyond Youll Cup school tennis and county junior teams in 20 years , I remain to be convinced but I enjoyed the three hours I spent reading the book .
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