Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb base] your " in BNC.

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1 I think you have to sort of , lay your ground rules , I mean state your case , quite early on and it , I mean , you know , if , if you 're not good first thing in the morning , you know , you could tell someone you need three cups of coffee before you 're safe to approach or if erm , there 's a lazy slob who sort of lies on the sofa all day , you could throw the dishcloth at him , or erm , and also , I mean if it , if there are sort of badly behaved pets and , and children , erm , you know , just , just do n't invite them , and if that means your guest list is , is somewhat shorter then all to the good .
2 We both smoke but er I smoke roll your own cigarettes and I and half an ounce lasts me a week .
3 Er a few sentences saying erm th q I y'know define your terms , talk about how you 're gon na answer the questions , just an introductory paragraph and that usually sets it up to how you 're gon na answer it .
4 I think believe your your title has changed slightly has it from women 's support group to the quarry men 's support group ?
5 If you have any questions about what is involved or whether you qualify ask your nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau , Sheriff Clerk 's Office ( at the Sheriff Court ) or the Court of Session , Divorce Section ( SP ) , Parliament House , Edinburgh EH1 1 RQ ( Tel. 031 225 2595 Ext. 316 ) .
6 by the time you 've put the food on it , your booze or whatever else you want have your
7 When you say dress your horse over you mean groom him ?
8 You say pick your anchors up in an old boat ?
9 So you as you say put your nought there you 've got to start from where you finished off last time and carry round again .
10 It 's a right nice sunny day and now you say have your cocoa
11 If you could only stretch or you know turn your head a certain way it would run out .
12 And also why you 've got to talk to people , you know get your problems out in the open rather than let them build up and all of a sudden just say right , that 's it , out the gates , or down tools .
13 You know you know put your phone down .
14 Er because if you do n't actually make out formal applications , you know come your retirement nothing will happen .
15 I heard one say : ‘ You know whit your trouble is , maw ?
16 Er again after you do that very same thing erm you know jingle your change and one of them he said that I reckon you got three pound eighty .
17 THE most famous painting in Liverpool 's Walker Art Gallery is undoubtedly ‘ And When Did You Last See Your Father ? ’ the Civil War picture of the little Royalist boy who may innocently reveal his father 's hiding place to Cromwell 's soldiers .
18 Off you go then you go have your , your dinner .
19 Oh , you 've got to , you go play your part .
20 And quite honestly they get a bit edgy if you stay overstay your mark so .
21 When you start work your desk should be clear of paper .
22 I said you 've go your pissy head
23 you 've delete your column eighty seven .
24 But So we 're looking for a nice balance between clutch and throttle , that you 're not being jerked and the not clutch is not bloody flying every time that you take let your foot to engage a gear .
25 Well you see give your chair a push .
26 If you are one of the comfort eaters and find that your mood patterns have a direct effect on your eating habits then it must be a good idea for your to examine just how the various moods you experience affect your eating habits .
27 Why then had his father made that curious statement : ‘ You need bow your head to no man in Ireland save the High King or Queen . ’ ?
28 ‘ Remember , ’ said the man who had reared him , ‘ remember that you need bow your head to no one save the High King .
29 Does anybody have a problem with what they 've got to do before we start put your hand up if you do n't know what to do .
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