Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Extract 1 : The ghost One day me met a witch Jamaica [ inaudible ] me ( gor ra ) mother — me saw her dere , me sit down an she tell me all the story alrigh% ?
2 ‘ I 've had them make up a bed for you .
3 But I could have them send up a tray if you 'd rather stay in bed . ’
4 ‘ When I see the Giotto frescoes at Padua I do not trouble to recognise which scene in the life of Christ I have before me , but I perceive instantly the sentiment which radiates from it and which is instinct in the composition in every line and color .
5 I cite only a few .
6 And I back up the line I had to go .
7 I back away a bit , and kneel down .
8 I feel somewhat like a Saint Bernard as I track down the American conductor John Nelson by telephone across the Alps .
9 In Chapter 14 I sketch out the fundamentals of a structuralist theory of truth .
10 I sketch out the whole scenario in seven minutes flat .
11 NOT and I repeat NOT the main carriage , as someone I know once did !
12 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
13 Well there 's , no I mean surely the same will apply on a Sunday ?
14 I mean alright the pub garden 's next to it .
15 Well I suppose you see maybe what they 're trying to do I mean as far as I know I mean previously the Inland Revenue or the valuation office part of the Inland Revenue they actually used to run a scheme where
16 because this is , I mean I did n't hear the dogs last night , only the kid , but I mean nevertheless the day before if you 'd of been in there , so but , but the kitchen can be done , toilet can be done
17 You know we were asked , Do you want your own bank account really and we decided er democratically that we 'd have the one bank account really for make sure the D H S S did n't start snooping really and you know er that 's worked very well I mean certainly the men very much tell us everything that 's going on and erm well you know I do n't think there 's any conflict of erm I do n't know you know it 's it 's difficult I suppose it 's amazing really the way it does work you know and that er you know but it 's quite loose really because it 's er that 's in a way the way one of it 's successes probably you know that 's it 's not a very structured I mean probably the lodge is more structured I mean men are used to their lodge meetings are n't they you know ?
18 I mean probably the members did n't realize what was going on .
19 I mean just a friendly little party .
20 Yeah I mean just a few different should you use a little bit of green powder paint .
21 mhm Well I think it can go from anything , I mean just a vague feeling of suddenly being put off what you 're talking about because you 've suddenly become conscious of how you 're looking .
22 If someone who said this was asked , ‘ But what do you mean by ‘ It 's afternoon on the Sun ’ ? ’ he might say , ‘ I mean just the same as I mean by ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Earth' .
23 I also said that if someone were asked , ‘ But what do you mean by ‘ It 's afternoon on the Sun ’ ? ’ he might say ‘ I mean just the same as I mean by ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Earth' .
24 Similarly , if someone were asked , ‘ But what do you mean by ‘ Someone else is in pain ’ ? ’ he might say , ‘ I mean just the same by ‘ pain ’ when I say someone else is in pain as I mean when I say ‘ I 'm in pain ’ . ’
25 I do n't mean goggles I mean just the glasses with the side pieces .
26 that 's what I mean just the blood tests ?
27 I mean Just the same do n't walk on your own .
28 I mean even the , the su surface out of the play in playgrounds .
29 Er they 're very good in fact , I mean even the erm if you look at say the result from Clerical Medical over ten years , erm fifteen thousand invested , er currently er returning something like forty three thousand over er the five the ten year term , so that 's not bad .
30 Nobody in industry has actually got an absolute guarantee , I mean even the British Telecom schemes said they 'll pay , they 'll pay the rate of inflation if they feel they can afford .
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