Example sentences of "[pron] [det] do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That 's th the trouble is they keep repairing , they do n't tell you this do they , I mean
2 Were looking at the body beautiful and what we do to achieve it , we all arrived in the world with more or less the same package of features , limbs , faces , torso 's , since then , all of us I bet have tried to improve or disguise the way we look , what do we do ? , why do we do it ? , well let's start with a few questions , er , are you , well let me ask you this do you have a beautiful body ? , button one for yes , and button two for no
3 You know when you when you , at the end of the film , you all done it , did n't you .
4 Erm have you any do you sell fish fingers ?
5 So , er , have you any did you have music homework Josie ?
6 I 've hardly got any in cos when I left my nursery I got them all to do me one and when I left my school I got a load of them to do me one I did n't get many at the day nursery , but I got a handful .
7 Want to draw them all do you ?
8 Well you do n't wan na change them all do you ?
9 And , on average , we each do it five times in our life .
10 I do n't know that we should Do we all do we want to go together
11 If we all do it they 'll have to take the train on ! ’ and 60 fellow travellers rebelled in agreement , using seat cushions to prevent the doors from being closed .
12 I am sure the answer is yes ; we all do it from time to time .
13 We all do it .
14 My most significant thought about Facing Up To Age was that we all do it in our own way .
15 We all do it .
16 So we 're parking illegally but the police actually have almo they 've said they will turn a blind eye to it if providing that we all do it sensibly and without and face like in the line of the traffic .
17 I mean , we all do it , Quiggers .
18 That means , we all do it , we always leave it outside the
19 And it 's also , but not fair on you or me , because I felt , the guilty , you know , we wo n't be , we all do it .
20 Answer : Learning to speak and we all did it .
21 Did n't show me those did you ?
22 Is there enough do you think enough is provided for ?
23 ‘ Do they all do it ? ’
24 Everyone abominates air travel , though they all do it .
25 They all do it now , look at the papers — look at the telly .
26 Oh yeah , they all do it .
27 They all do it , to some extent , and if they take it further it 's never the same as they imagine it to be .
28 She says ; They all do it on bikes on the high wire so he wanted to do something different so he went and put shopping baskets on his feet .
29 Can I have a light ? left it all Do you still wan na go to the pub later ?
30 Well er he 's , she 's got two kids , little ones and has moved in to a house du n no whether it 's with her or not but he 's very touchy about the subject when anybody asks cos Johnny said oh I 'm sorry to hear about you and he g he go goes oh I suppose you know it all do you ?
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