Example sentences of "[pron] [det] [vb past] we " in BNC.

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1 Certain cultural distinctions were breaking down and in the anxiety which this provoked we can read the effects of tar-reaching historical change .
2 We all knew we were into an end-of-season of extraordinary interest , despite the fact that Niki conquered Monza in style and Prost again failed to finish .
3 Well I was working in the quarry , and er it 's last March turned round and said he wanted a new implemented with a new miracle saw that he had bought and he did n't really give us much warning about what he was gon na do but all he said was that er he was gon na scrap our old bonus contract and implement a new one no matter what , and from various figures that were bandied about we all realized we were gon na back quite a lot worse off because of it .
4 ‘ And all we shall have to do is to stick together and confess that this dreadful accident did happen a little bit earlier and we all felt devastated but there was a full house and we all felt we owed it to the public that the show should go on .
5 Sergei and Masha came to my room and I opened a bottle of mineral water : we all felt we needed to be abstemious .
6 We were pleased when the news was good and depressed when it was bad , but first things came first and I suppose we all felt we were doing our bit and that our personal lives were at that moment of secondary importance .
7 A useful exchange of views always takes place and engenders an excellent team spirit , which proved its worth with the campaign for increased subscriptions when we all felt we were working towards the same goal and had a common purpose .
8 And er at the end of it I think we all felt we knew where we were going , and , and what the work that we 'd put in over the last three years on the management procedures , which form the foundations of our quality system .
9 Those were exciting days and as the money began to pour in we all felt we had joined a successful crusade .
10 Everyone who took part in this charitable challenge thoroughly enjoyed the day , and we all felt we had contributed something worthwhile to the local community .
11 We all said we 'd seen him about .
12 Do you remember we all said we 'd meet there ? ’
13 But others of us who were Governors were so opposed to it that we all said we 'd resign from the governing body if the school did opt out .
14 As we drove back to Chelmsford we all wished we were back in the sunshine of southern Germany .
15 Eventually we all agreed we wanted this fierce bark that was both harsh and metallic , after which it was just a case of refining it down until we settled on the precise tone we ended up using .
16 ‘ We 've been isolated for so long and we all thought we were so bloody good but now we have to accept the reality that we are not . ’
17 I 'm going back to the erm controversial emotive subject of atomic power I suppose , as you said earlier , the the atomic bomb and erm I suppose the most worrying thing for er for everybody was when erm the Cuba crisis was on and everybody was just waiting for these mushrooms to appear over London because we all thought we were gon na be bombed at any time but er obviously the other thing that sort of worries people is other things that you said about Chernobyl and Three Mile Island but on the other side , obviously the erm the low cost of atomic power must be the advantage for the future .
18 We all thought we were going to hate each other .
19 The rear engine ooh she said the the key 's in Ken 's house and we all sat we did n't know whether to clap or get up and walk out , whether she 'd finished or not !
20 Jennifer , of Dewsbury , Yorks , said : ‘ As soon as we divorced we both realised we 'd made a mistake . ’
21 We were n't really in love , but it seemed a very great deal like it at the time , before we spoiled it ; we both thought we were , and how can you tell for sure when it 's the first time and you 've nothing to compare it with ?
22 She … we both thought we 'd like to do something to help . ’
23 We both felt we had over-reached by trying to visit the whole hospital and next time would just concentrate on two or three wards .
24 ‘ The workload for both Barry Newbery and myself was tremendous , we both felt we could not go on much longer , and suggested that a third Designer be included on the team . ’
25 We both knew we would go to university and not have to get rubbish jobs like a lot of our mates , ’ says Gedge .
26 and erm , we both decided we 'd take this diploma and er Mr erm in his kindness let us erm erm go off to the workshops and do some practical work and erm my wife lived at Stow Upland and I was lodging in Ipswich and er he even allowed us to study in the , in the erm Enquiry Office in the evenings .
27 On the river side of the High St. there is an area with a strange name , Great Winox , and what this meant we have been unable to discover , but one theory is that this could have been the ancient vineyard .
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