Example sentences of "[pron] [det] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 It could be that you 're giving them some stuff that we already know or it could be that you 're giving them some stuff which is far too advanced for them , they do n't have the basics there .
2 We introduced ourselves and told them we had brought them some food which they could share with their friends .
3 Somebody told me we were halfway to Maun and gave me some water which I was too thirsty to sterilise .
4 And er Bill give me some roses which were
5 The nurse came down and gave me some medicine which totally knocked me out .
6 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
7 As long as I stay confined to this moral nihilism , the single unquestioned imperative will be to act intelligently , and in particular to be aware of objective conditions , of those obstinate facts about external difficulties and my own limitations which thwart my efforts unless I recognize and adapt myself to them .
8 Erm and one of the things I could 've done was to em er become a salaried employee of my own company which was a limited company but I paid myself as a consultant .
9 Therefore my own chapel which has not been used for two generations but for a lumber room , because our family seldom resided here long together , shall be cleared and cleaned and got ready for the ceremony .
10 To me , in a book containing so many emotions , I find dialogue really important because it lets me know exactly how the character is feeling rather than leaving me to make my own assumptions which are often wrong .
11 I do my own servicing which has so far been fairly straightforward .
12 perhaps in six months or in sixty years erm facing the same kind of problem again er I , I can erm I have close experience with a situation on my , on my own patch which rises from time to time an and is most unpleasant for the people in and it goes back if I might say so an and therefore the planning considerations that have been mentioned need to be paid attention to .
13 If a man shoots his dog because the animal is no longer capable of service , he does not fail in his duty to the dog , for the dog can not judge , but his act is inhuman and damages in himself that humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind … .
14 Certain colonial powers ( notably Britain ) entered into such agreements with their former colonies which were regarded as forming a ‘ complete assignment of all treaties which , upon construction , were susceptible of devolution , …
15 Apart from being interested in the eccentricities of her great-aunt 's will , he was also intrigued by the house and evidences of its age and its former proprietors which abounded .
16 She licked the tissue and removed the black smear , restoring herself to her former state which had been , and still was , in her own view , quite satisfactory .
17 To be sure , as Willis demonstrates above , people develop their own cultures which will have the function of providing a sense of worth for themselves collectively .
18 They imply that the state — and groups within it — have their own interests which may be pursued separately from any changes in the structures of British capitalism .
19 Student Enterprise projects are also being funded , allowing groups of students to develop their own projects which develop these essential skills .
20 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
21 If they 've got their own computer which is I B M compatible we just give them the disk because it 's programmed that the despatcher not the hardware .
22 You can hear them from a long way now what you do is you sit them down and let them take up their own particular position , you can , if they 've got their medication their Ventilin or whatever , you can put it beside them , they will know if they need to take it or not , get them with the fresh air and let them take up their own position which is usually leaning forward so that it expands their lungs , talk to them about something different because sometimes well they 've got to think of what to answer you , it 's relaxing those tubes , now if they 're taking their medication and it does n't work within about five minutes get them to hospital , because the only people that really die with asthma are those that have taken medication and keep saying I 'll give it a few more minutes , give it a few more minutes and if they 're getting worse and worse they 're leaving it too long .
23 This would apply to supermarket chains who sell goods under their own name which are manufactured by someone else ( s. 2(2) ( b ) ) .
24 Well tag questions and er and questions in their own rights which i I supposed seeking agreement is the idea .
25 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
26 Thus , Egenhofer and Frank ( 1988 ) suggested a way in which the WYSIWYG principle of ‘ what you see is what you get ’ could be extended to GIS and outlined the components of their own system which included a study of the selection of objects and areas , legends and query specification .
27 It is the poverty of their own life which makes the poor content to inhabit ‘ unthinkable ’ houses … which makes so many careless of cleanliness , listless about the unhealthy condition of their workshops , and heedless of anything beyond the enjoyment of a moment 's excitement …
28 Members in categories 3 and 4 will be required to keep their own records which they may be required to submit to the Institute .
29 It may be that the defences against their own feelings which they learned makes it impossible for men to tolerate the intense show of feeling from their women partners which is implicit in weeping .
30 Heads of different divisions may informally set their own plan which is not moving in the same direction as the handed down plan to which they pay lip service .
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