Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] back the " in BNC.

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1 It was too cold and windy to sit and wait , though , so I limped back the way I had come , embittered at having to walk unnecessarily .
2 I crept back the few yards to the way marked path and walked on down the track .
3 I choked back the tears and mumbled that I was glad I 'd had cancer .
4 I passed back the form and just about managed a smile myself .
5 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
6 I drew back the blanket and uncovered the head of the body .
7 I drew back the curtains and stood looking out .
8 I hauled back the wheel and the plane mushed down and hit the water .
9 I threw back the blanket and walked to the window .
10 After lying still for a few minutes , I threw back the duvet , got out of bed , walked to the door of the bedroom , opened the door , switched on the landing light , walked across the landing , opened the bathroom door , went into the bathroom , put the basin plug into the plughole , turned on the hot tap , ran some hot water into the wash basin , looked in the mirror …
11 ‘ And I threw back the bedclothes before I had any more time to think about it and burst out of the bed ; threw myself into the middle of the bedroom , screaming and roaring and thrashing about . ’
12 I threw back the covers to seen but the sheet was completely dry .
13 I handed back the receiver and heard Ronnie being agitated on the other end .
14 I handed back the magazine and gave him a bundle of mail .
15 Sadly I turned back the pages and returned the ledger to Miss Louise 's lap .
16 After I made the cut I folded back the turf ( still using the spade ) and saw the nest .
17 If I walked back the way we 'd come , there 'd be a bus stop , would n't there ?
18 I pulled back the shower curtain , exposing her fully .
19 I pulled back the curtains and dashed out of the room to find Benjamin standing there , laughing at my shock .
20 I pulled back the glass panel between us and gave her the ritual Belfast greeting .
21 Yes , he said , I should go , and he would n't come , cos he ai n't got no answer to it you see , anyway I went and I started back the next morning , he called me back .
22 Inwardly quaking , I rolled back the stone from the dragon 's den , and stood on the threshold .
23 ‘ At the time it was a shock , but afterwards when I looked back the signs had been there .
24 I bit back the word .
25 ‘ But when I went back the next day , I was told the two shops were no longer connected .
26 ‘ Certainly , Cabannes did superbly at the back of the lineout today but he was a regular target and in all other areas I gave Back the edge .
27 Then , mindful of my companions , I crawled back the way I had come , getting muddier and acquiring even more scratches .
28 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier , so I ran back the quick way to the house , where the lights all burned as usual .
29 Cawthorne had disappeared around the northern end of the farmhouse , so I ran back the way I had come , around the south end and climbed the fence back into the hop field .
30 I slid back the bolts and pushed the door open .
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