Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] me [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Lili seemed to take an interest in me led me to think that she had never been very close to my mother .
2 They seemed happy about my victory in Germany and most of them expected me to win more races last year . ’
3 His shaking hands with me made me feel half hero , half saint .
4 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
5 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
6 Her grey eyes when she looked at me made me tremble .
7 Just watching them made me feel ill .
8 Some of them became my friends and have remained so until the present day , but the sheer earthy mass of them made me realize how my few months of married life had changed me .
9 E actually yours made me think of a story that I was told many years ago on a coach trip over Dartmoor
10 Yeah I stuffed me face .
11 Aye that was Well that that was on the platform when I got me face burnt and me left hand , which I think was burnt trying to protect me me head or face at the time .
12 Well I got me shopping and it cost me forty summat one .
13 I told me mates it was a sure thing and they emptied their pockets and put every last halfpenny on you and that horse of your'n .
14 I mean if I was a peasant and someone told me to give up drinking then I 'd , you know
15 I finished me readin' book today and I starts the last one on Mondee .
16 I heard me laughing .
17 ‘ If I saw me coming into the dressing room I 'd have myself kicked out . ’
18 Someone saw me running up that right-hand staircase , running for the train .
19 As I said , I did me shoulder in and it was really bad and me mam got some dikes off me gran who had arthritis and I felt great .
20 ‘ All right , then , tell me what it was this friend of yours had me do for him , and I 'll tell you whether I can do ‘ something similar ’ . ’
21 Anyway , one of them told me to stay and gave me a raffle ticket .
22 For the conflict of emotions in me caused me to burst into tears .
23 But everyone advised me to forget about it as soon as possible .
24 Everyone told me to give up the womanising at my age . ’
25 It was nicely presented , moreover , and since I had n't taken any eating irons with me I am pleased to report that nobody asked me to cup my hands together to take my Cottage Pie a la Toulon ?
26 I could understand the term ‘ genetic engineering ’ — well , as long as nobody asked me to speak for a minute without hesitation or deviation — and I recognized ‘ DNA ’ , which was said to be the basic stuff of life .
27 From the audience 's applause it was obvious that most of them agreed , which led me to reflect yet again how this general attitude — exemplified by the average audience for the BBC 's Question Time — has become almost the most familiar political stance of our time .
28 It was a rebellion which led me to take wife and kids from the suburbs into the peace of the countryside .
29 In my opinion in Ex parte Agegate Ltd. , the fact that the residence requirement was applicable to British citizens and nationals of other member states alike was the main element in the reasoning which led me to take the view , unlike the court , that that requirement was compatible with Community law : see para. 57 .
30 It is against this background that I approached the construction and which led me to prefer the interpretation which bases the assessment to tax upon the actual cost to the employer rather than the hypothetical cost arrived at by dividing the number of pupils into the total cost of providing full facilities .
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