Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] been [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if I had been more of an expert the differences would have been more apparent , but experts always tend to obscure the obvious .
2 And I must admit once I 'd been I 'd , early on when I did n't know an awful lot , then , yeah , but , later on when I had been more experienced there was n't , there was very little difference between how I treated people whether they made a fuss or not .
3 ‘ If 'e 'd been any bigger , she 'd have had a bad time . ’
4 The pure white drifts of snow against the door of the hut convinced me that nobody had been that way recently .
5 But what happened to the crushed tomatoes which had been such a success , Were they abandoned in favour of whole canned tomatoes ?
6 Beside the door of each room a supply of ready-loaded firearms had been laid ; every available weapon , from the Enfield rifles of those killed earlier in the siege to native flintlocks and the countless sporting guns which had been such a feature of " the possessions " , had been pressed into service .
7 This was the 1st Ukrainian Division , many of whose members came from those parts of Poland incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1939 and which had been such a special concern of the AFHQ letter of 6 March defining " Soviet nationals " .
8 By contrast , the early 1980s were dominated by the re-emergence of the drift to the South East which had been such a focus of attention in the 1950s and early 1960s .
9 Focus on the two-party system , the growing strength of the organized working-class and the gradual decline of the big single-issue movements which had been such a central feature of the mid-Victorian political scene were visible signs of this transformation .
10 To relinquish her calling , or the possibility of the companionship and family life which had been such an influential part of her background .
11 The parameters of the religious issue might have been changed somewhat by the grudging toleration granted to Protestant Nonconformists in 1689 , but the religious settlement can scarcely be said to have provided a satisfactory solution to the issue of Dissent which had been such a source of tension in Restoration society .
12 As a result of this new alliance with the bishops , we see little of the anti-episcopalian rhetoric which had been such a prominent feature of the Whig platform during the Exclusion Crisis .
13 Even as she said it she recalled the growing doubts and disgust which had been another spur driving her to accept Clive 's invitation .
14 I do n't know what I 'd have done if you 'd been any later — the girls are getting terribly impatient . ’
15 Miss Evans moved from the sink where she 'd been all this time , standing quite still , and started to clear the plates from the table .
16 She was sitting calmly in bed like that 's where she 'd been all the time .
17 well they were having a biology lesson , she 'd been all about these , they 'd been this biology
18 She 'd been such an idiot , had n't she ?
19 If she 'd been more of a woman , he believed , she would have meekly accepted his word and left it at that .
20 Lucy was weeping as she had been that afternoon .
21 Later , much later , Kelly was to reflect on how lucky she had been that day .
22 The truth shall set you free , but oh , the truth of her past had not done that — it had simply shown her what a selfish , unthinking thing she had been that first Terry Rourke , and then Havvie Blaine could have exploited her so .
23 She was nervous before stepping onto the set of Delinquents , just as she had been all those years ago when she did the rehearsals for The Henderson Kids .
24 She would be now , as she had been all that day , out praying for his soul .
25 when she had been all hugs and trust for her father .
26 Mam would never guess how brave she had been all the way home .
27 She was becoming almost as sensitive to him as she had been all those years ago .
28 It was barely five a.m. and dawn was just breaking , but she was wide awake , as she had been all night long .
29 She had been little more than a child when I first saw her , but no-one could forget her beautiful , lively eyes .
30 It was Marguerite as she had been many years ago , and Jenna saw what her father had seen , what she herself saw now — the attraction of kindness , of calm good humour .
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