Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] want [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All the variety and wit , also the musical sense , I found wanting in Nucci ( Decca ) is displayed here , placing Bruson almost in the class of Tibbett ( Panizza/Music and Arts ) and Valdengo ( Toscanini/RCA ) in the two historic sets recently issued on CD , and — like those baritones — Bruson has precisely the weight the role calls for .
2 ‘ I could have got her to believe that , if I 'd wanted to . ’
3 I 'd wanted to mooch round Bristol 's hills and shops , its hidden alleyways and markets , along all those rivers .
4 I 'd wanted to .
5 If I 'd wanted to really zoom around the fretboard I would 've opted for a medium/short-scale bass with really light , roundwound strings .
6 I could have jumped up and battered his foot if I 'd wanted to , but I had more respect than that ! ’
7 I 'd wanted to be an actor since I was seven , ’ he says .
8 I could n't have avoided it if I 'd wanted to .
9 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
10 I 'd wanted to be a nurse or a policewoman , but I had to leave school right away and help support my family .
11 I could still have easily called in if I 'd wanted to but I saw something advertised in a village saw the board took the number down and phoned them up .
12 I could have told you if I 'd wanted to .
13 I did want to , once , yet … now that someone else has done it , I feel nothing but pity .
14 ‘ No , Mother Francis said that they would n't take me , even if I did want to be a nun , until I was over twenty-one . ’
15 " No , but I did want to be a good wife to you and mother said men did n't like weaklings .
16 To be honest , I suppose I did want to , but … well , Madeleine was very young and uncertain of herself , her feelings .
17 The ones that I did want with turtles on it never had any socks .
18 Right from the very start I had wanted to be a test-pilot .
19 I groped for Toby in the dark and found his hands , and they held on to me , and I shouted again to an unknown listener as I had wanted to in the street : " I do n't want this !
20 There was no way I could have refused even if I had wanted to , so a few days later I found myself shaking in the BBC 's hospitality suite , very glad to have Mary and Chris with me for moral support .
21 I had wanted to be a nun before Nour had made me love him with his golden hair and his golden face and his golden eyes .
22 Phoning a third time to give details of the re-arranged flight , nobody seemed to want of know .
23 Nobody had wanted to be regularly policed as people were abroad , preferring to leave it to the magistrates to swear in special constables as they 'd always done in times of civil disturbance , or use the troops .
24 In her plain blue suit she came down from the Clubhouse with two of the owners who seemed to want to be near the horses at ground level .
25 I would n't have thought you 'd wanted to , that was the thing .
26 " She could have married , if she 'd wanted to . "
27 ‘ Your grandmother had enough money to buy a home if she 'd wanted to , ’ Lucenzo observed in a soft growl .
28 She could have killed me if she 'd wanted to
29 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
30 She had n't conceded anything , even though she 'd wanted to , and she 'd shown him she could be just as determined as he was himself .
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