Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [to-vb] it " in BNC.

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1 Dr Robert Upshall said copies of the Green Party 's charter were sent to the three candidates but none of them agreed to sign it .
2 Election candidates in Darlington have failed to meet the Green challenge , according to Dr Robert Upshall , who said copies of the Green Party 's charter were sent to the three main candidates but none of them agreed to sign it .
3 Everyone tried to dress it up as a love match but it was n't . ’
4 EVERYONE tried to dress it up as a love match but it was n't .
5 Someone got to have it .
6 I lived to regret it .
7 ‘ I tell you , Charles , it was only after I heard that they 'd signed up Micky Banks that I agreed to do it .
8 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
9 I was determined , so I agreed to pay it back every week .
10 While I was testing the Seayak on the west coast of Ireland I failed to pull it far enough up the beach on the night of a rising spring tide .
11 They caught the sparks that showered from my own tiny anvil and I failed to think it odd .
12 I planned to do it alone in the first place . ’
13 I was bitterly ashamed of what I was doing , or letting people do to me , but also of course I got to like it , and even crave it , in a manner of speaking .
14 It was quite away from the area I 'd been brought up in , but I got to like it and make friends , and I got more independent .
15 No I ge , I got to see it
16 I got to whisk it , whisk it
17 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
18 It seemed a simple system when I got to know it , but wondered what it was all about , with chaps standing in different places and shouting and bawling where they wanted this waggon that was being pushed off , as he came running without the train they diverted it into siding , you see , sorting out a train .
19 ‘ If I got to have it done , I 'll go back to the place I was before , back down the Duke 's Ferry Road .
20 No , cos I got to show it and I ca n't
21 I got to bring it up cos Bet likes
22 But the farm , the Belle-Etoile , was not where I expected to find it .
23 I expected to hate it , but in fact I enjoyed my lectures on English language history and became an enthusiastic advocate of exercises in parsing , syntax and dictation — the very best test of listening comprehension .
24 While the leg craved attention , I strained to forget it , even using rubbish as a distraction .
25 Saying this to me was like holding a red rag to a bull : the more anyone told me not to do a thing , the more I tried to do it .
26 People would look at me and think , ‘ No , she 's not the type , she would never try to top herself ’ , but I tried to do it when I was in Cookham Wood .
27 They asked me why I tried to do it — whether I was attention-seeking !
28 And I tried to fix it to the door and it would n't , I tried to do it up with Blu-Tack and would have none of it , I tried to do it with Sellotape and would n't do it the Sellotape kept on coming away something in the varnish I think that resisted that so then I thought , right I 'll I 'll tie the thing up in someway , I forget how , and blew away went down the drive !
29 And I tried to fix it to the door and it would n't , I tried to do it up with Blu-Tack and would have none of it , I tried to do it with Sellotape and would n't do it the Sellotape kept on coming away something in the varnish I think that resisted that so then I thought , right I 'll I 'll tie the thing up in someway , I forget how , and blew away went down the drive !
30 I tried to do it really well because it was my last grade .
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