Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
2 I tried getting him slimmer once as I thought it might help him to jump even better , but it did n't suit him .
3 and er I tried getting it off , anyway I thought I ca n't be bothered messing about with it
4 I tried reversing it to five-one-five .
5 I tried ringing them and I did n't get any answer on the phone
6 I tried phoning him yesterday but there were no answer and then I thought oh bugger it , forget it .
7 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
8 I tried telling her she was wrong , which was silly really , because no-one ought to decide such things for anyone else … ’
9 I tried calling you in Budapest on Friday and Saturday but could n't get a reply .
10 Same country accent : I tried practising it in my head , pretending I was a rosy-cheeked barmaid serving cider .
11 I tried doing it with my fingers but
12 I tried commanding him — as if I were an angel — but he only got nasty .
13 I found having it taken away worse than the strip search .
14 I mentioned meeting him , ’ he corrected her impatiently .
15 I decided , yesterday , yesterday I stopped fancying him , but I changed my mind again .
16 After this episode I stopped telephoning him , only to find he enjoyed the game so much that he began calling me . "
17 I really thought that was it , then I stopped taking them . ’
18 No , I 've never taken them , I 've just , I stopped taking them .
19 Because that was when I stopped taking it for granted .
20 Then I stopped seeing her .
21 And then , because I stopped looking out for her , I stopped seeing her altogether .
22 ‘ Just because I left him , ’ she said , ‘ it does n't mean I stopped loving him .
23 I wondered how long it would be before I stopped loving him .
24 You , erm , I use buses and cars and I use a bike as well , er , er I think that , we used to have a car and I stopped using it , I used it , we had it when the kids were small and I found it really good for getting them around and it really was necessary to young mothers but their big now and I do n't have to chauffeur .
25 I stopped , I stopped using it , I must admit .
26 It was only when I stopped hurting her that she got worried .
27 You would be very cross if I stopped giving it . ’
28 And made them a f and they look for their fry every Saturday and I stopped doing it .
29 When I was told this , I recalled hearing it said , back in the 1930s , that these visits had been observed by a young writer or two who , out of rather callous curiosity , would follow Eliot at a discreet distance , and observe him to turn round , as he approached the door , in order to see whether anybody had been spying on him .
30 I imagined meeting you , talking to you , but nothing like this .
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