Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for Dizzy 's locking of the door behind them became apparent within a minute , when Alina heard a hesitant tap on the other side followed by a young woman 's voice calling Dizzy 's name .
2 Charlie , now a light middleweight , could n't wait to get in the ring while Tommy somehow managed to keep himself out of the firing line , although both of them became aware of Captain Trentham 's menacing presence as his swagger stick continually struck the side of his leg .
3 The fire died down and the embers became grey ashes , the forest around them became full of noises as the creatures of the night resumed possession of it , but Marian , Allen and Hugh slept on until well after dawn .
4 This meant that everyone lived near to one another , and they copied each other exactly .
5 She had occasional epileptic fits after the first , and they so frightened Rose and her family that everyone became over-protective of her .
6 Oh , we all knew it was him with his stout legs and big arse , but everyone became involved in the pantomime .
7 Anyway , whatever , it got pretty popular for a bit before everyone got bored with it and went back to staring out of the window and hiding Brian Smart ( and his accessories ) in the stock cupboard .
8 There were a few first ascents , climbed mainly before everyone got bored with the weather and sloped off abroad .
9 One of them got lost in the corridors and another dropped some important equipment into the sea .
10 And eleven of them got involved in a fist fight in the middle of one of those New York streets .
11 I became involved with the Union ( ACTTS ) when an Equal Opportunities Policy Working Party was set up by them in 1984 .
12 I became involved with the inhabitants as soon as I was old enough to overturn a leaf .
13 I became involved with him some years ago when I was consulted by Lord Rayne who told me that he had a friend — a leading paediatrician in London — whose daughter was in serious trouble .
14 Living in San'a , I was initially engrossed in the visual aspects of the architecture , but as I became involved with the Yemeni families , I started to record as accurately as possible all aspects of the traditional San'a culture that was rapidly being swallowed up by Western influence .
15 I have always loved dogs and I became involved with the association when I met a lady who was also involved in puppy training .
16 Being aware of the stress and pressure that many people and their families experience when AIDS or HIV is first diagnosed , I became involved in counselling .
17 Being aware of the stress and pressures that many people and their families experience with AIDS or HIV is first diagnoses , I became involved in counselling .
18 Brathay Women 's Institute decided to work on Spinning Galleries , and as I am a spinner and weaver and at that time was a member of the Institute , I became involved in the search for galleries .
19 The more I became involved in the executive work of CBC the less I liked it , but the more I worked with Ira Dilworth the more I liked him .
20 Before I became involved in business , I really had very few goals — with the result that I did n't get very far .
21 In leaving home I became involved in student union politics , particularly round the issue of overseas students .
22 The main reason I became involved in birds of prey was to teach them to hunt for me — and of course for themselves — so a goshawk is a must for the near future .
23 Consequently I became involved in various meetings between the union and the representatives of the television companies , particularly a very long one at my home in Ashley Gardens , where Harold Wilson was invited to attend and indeed did so .
24 For the first time , but by no means the last , I became involved in that Kafkaesque bureaucratic fog which , more than any aspect of public life , serves to drain one of psychic energy .
25 ‘ And I became worthless in my own eyes .
26 But I became pregnant at that point and was absolutely thrilled .
27 ‘ It was discovered I 'd had an acute infection for two or three months , ’ she says , ‘ which meant I was ill when I became pregnant in November — the worst possible time for a developing foetus .
28 I became catholic in my lusts .
29 I became tired with Ramon and his canvases and drinking and cursing , it all seemed so trivial .
30 One actor I became friendly with , Terry , had done only agit-prop before , touring the country in a van with a company called Vanguard in a music-hall pastiche about the miners ' strike of 1972 called Dig !
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