Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pron] at " in BNC.

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31 " I got mine at the cut price place at the end of the Queenstown Road . "
32 And my answer always was that I could not expect too much when I expected nothing at all for I never thought that anyone whom I could love , would stoop to love ME .
33 Well as I 've taped that I taped it at home
34 I tried you at home earlier — has n't anyone mended your cable yet ? ’
35 Before I had really recovered , I found myself at the railway station , where I said goodbye to Dulcie and we went our separate ways , promising to keep in touch , as one does .
36 Then the talk turned to the West and I found myself at the centre of questions .
37 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
38 ‘ I suppose I took the wrong path , ’ he said , ‘ and I found myself at the edge of a cliff . ’
39 In a short while , limping and protesting , I found myself at the local prison , pushed into a filthy stinking room with some two dozen other malefactors .
40 I found him at Church I : nd .
41 I found them at last .
42 Erm what did we do yes , well we went , I , I went to Isobel at what , I found her at three , we had .
43 I was convinced that the law would back us , so I found someone at a local law centre and she confirmed it , so we went back .
44 When I revisited the place in 1974 , I found it at once grim and beautiful , at once an irrelevance to my present life and a painfully inevitable part of what I was , what I am , and what I always shall be .
45 ‘ Actually , I found it at Royston .
46 I found you at first light this morning , ’ he said , getting up to take her half-empty plate .
47 Two had left so I visited them at home .
48 When Callahan and I visited him at his large house on Sunset Beach , it was like walking around a graveyard : every board was a headstone with memories buried beneath it .
49 I caught him at work one day , myself
50 I caught one at my friend 's wedding last week .
51 One this girl traced my hand and I traced hers at the same time — I went very slowly , which triggered her ticklishness , and she laughed every time my pencil made it to the place between two of her fingers , but she was brave , she stayed put .
52 I helped her at first but it was a mistake . ’
53 He 's talking about the time I approached them at Leeds Poly and asked them why their logo featured women 's breasts rather than the species-ist cow 's udders I made them change it to .
54 Er I phoned her at work at the tribunal .
55 Well I seen her at even the other day .
56 As I told her at the time there were several possibilities . ’
57 I told her at once that I knew her secret , and made her promise not to send or receive any more letters .
58 I told them at half-time that Batty was an aggressive player who would challenge hard and that they should n't expect any less — maybe I should have warned them before the start .
59 Erm , thought it would be nice at handicrafts afternoon and then we could throw the handicraft meeting open to anybody if I told them at the meeting before were going to have it .
60 Well I mean , I told them at the time I was against the of a sixteen month deal .
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