Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The third document was another letter , which I got laser printed and 100 copies made , to all the residents within a quarter mile of Donkey Lane , telling them who we were and what was going to happen , and apologising in advance for any inconvenience ( including the lorries ) .
2 What did I start with there so that when I differentiated it I got X squared .
3 In fact the1880s main building , a Grade I listed extravaganza modelled on Chambord , is in a structurally sound condition , having had money from the Pilgrim Trust , the Wolfson Foundation and the University Funding Council spent on it over the last ten years .
4 I designed windows suited to all positions , and of all varieties of size form and grouping doorways cornices parapets and imaginary combinations of all these , carefully studying to make them all thoroughly by practical , and suited to the class of building .
5 The voice stopped and I had a similar feeling to the one I had just before I found Toby trussed up in his cupboard .
6 Now I mentioned bonuses paid at proof stage .
7 I mentioned bonuses paid at proof stage .
8 ‘ At the PGA championship two weeks ago I putted cack handed for the last nine holes and I did quite well .
9 After reading statements in the case , the judge went on : ‘ I could hardly accept it until I saw things found in their house ’ .
10 On a number of occasions I saw birds entangled in these ‘ snares ’ .
11 It , it , it just went on for a lit a short time afterwards but er , but when the war ended course things , some things changed pretty rapidly as you can appreciate but , but by this time I , I was working for Ellwells then on long distance transport and we used to have to go and fetch tractors or bulldozers that had got armour plating on from Dagenham docks and bring them up here and start selling them to civic contractors and the , the Americans were selling a lot of equipment as well at end of the war , and I saw money made overnight like , people were buying the lorries and putting them on the road you know for work and transport firms and all that and they were getting some of them for next to nothing
12 I saw skies split by lightning , granite waves
13 I saw babies flung from windows … burning people jumping for their lives ’
14 I saw Graff beaten by Garrison and Sabatini slaughtered by Navratilova .
15 From the window ledge in the living room I saw men dressed in dark clothes and wearing dark hats knocking on all the doors in the street .
16 thought it could be so easy to put me thoughts on a piece of paper could help me so much I think that 's what I thought patterns structured
17 I thought chemistry sounded like magic .
18 I had lights put in the coal cellar and wash house too while he was at it .
19 I had Newman followed here from Southwold , ’ Buchanan replied eventually .
20 I had cleverness thrust upon me , and up to a point I learned my lesson well : the most important thing in life was to achieve .
21 Within 15 minutes of my computer arriving , I had DesignaKnit installed and running .
22 So if you 're multiplying an the index of something by three Where you had say I had X squared
23 If I had mine cut , it might happen again .
24 On the cover was a punk with a pierced nose , and I thought she looked great , so I had mine done .
25 " When I was young I had earrings shaped like hoops , too .
26 I had enquiries made as to the origins of the zombis , but no one knew where they had come from .
27 My husband and I had photographs taken of ourselves with our firstborn when he was a week or so old ; in the pictures we all look happy and contented .
28 it was only you I had breast fed all the
29 I had Carradine walled up and down the street several times , acting suspiciously .
30 We had to move into the capital afterwards , because we feared they would come back to look for my husband and I began to suffer from my nerves , thinking about all I had seen.They killed my husband in the end , in 1982 .
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