Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] you must " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps it was , ’ said Ludens , ‘ I wanted to come closer to you and you must have felt it . ’
2 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
3 ‘ There is not much time left now for I will not always be here to help you and you must learn from me what you can .
4 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
5 But it was nothing to do with you and you must n't reproach yourself .
6 But if you can raise that profile which I talk about , the of the ethics of of your trade , your profession and become , in effect , a pressure group , a pressure group for the public good , while we may not always agree with you , and indeed we 're going to say that we do n't agree with you and you must n't be afraid of that but we would rather hear from you , you 're the men and women at the sharp end , I hesitate to say ‘ experts ’ because ‘ expert ’ is a , a rather over-used word but we 'd much rather hear from you , at the sharp end , than the part-time politicians who , by the very nature of , of their role , and however well-meaning they may be , they have other priorities .
7 We 'll all help you but you must make a real effort too .
8 I must tell you something and you must forgive me .
9 The spray from the falls is so dense that you can not peer into it and you must rely on logic to believe that it is the same water that makes the river that snakes along the gorge a few hundred metres away .
10 I did n't mean to do it and you must know that I would n't stoop so low — ’
11 The ideas might be splendid in themselves but you must consider how they will contribute to the strategy .
12 ‘ I 'm sorry , Hugh , ’ he said almost in a half-whisper , ‘ your servant can stay with us but you must accompany this knight . ’
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