Example sentences of "[pron] [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Am I exonerated from being a wimp ? ’
2 ‘ Neither , ’ he continued in the same gentle tone of voice , ‘ am I prepared to be cast as some Viking lover straight out of a Hollywood film , rampaging and raping so that you can put the full responsibilities of your actions on me .
3 ‘ What have I got to be unhappy about ? ’
4 ‘ And what am I born to be ? ’
5 Am I judged to be a member of the human race , or classified as some lesser species ? ’
6 In view of that , we can recognize the possibility that as rational beings we fall under a system of law which we have somehow ourselves brought into being , and that it is our task while appearing to exist in the sensory world to live according to that law , in spite of the fact that what we appear to be is simply animals driven by sensory desire .
7 What happened was I happened to be in the corridors there and the gentleman came in , that 's on the Friday afternoon , gentleman came in and asked to see the Headmaster , so I took him along to see who was the Headmaster then , and erm shortly after that I was called up to see and erm asked me if I 'd like to apply for this job because had seen me erm bringing me up to , bringing him up to see and he said erm , well what about that young fella who brought me up there and would he like to apply .
8 Am I meant to be the centre of all this ? ’
9 This one was the grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson , who was himself intended to be a lighthouse engineer like his grandfather , his father and his uncle , until circumstances made him an author instead . )
10 Buddhists of the Northern school of China and Japan evolved their own theory of grace and came to believe in the Buddha as a Saviour , though in the earliest Scriptures he himself claimed to be nothing more than a teacher , a shower of the way .
11 In the reshuffle that followed Brolly 's departure , Lloyd Webber himself moved from being a non-executive to an executive director on the Really Useful board .
12 Gandhi himself professed to be a thorough Hindu yet not a believer in many gods .
13 Our lists contained the names of the family ‘ prigs ’ we knew were professional thieves and burglars ; and of whom I was advised on my arrival in the department by an old detective : ‘ you only get one chance a year to nail these bastards if you are lucky , so when you do , its got to be watertight ’ .
14 but I mean it depends also I suppose erm , when your aiming for is the market , and I , I , I would like to have my work published but I also like to perform it and its got to be attractive to be looked at , in the first instance in , on a page its not known , er , there is , there is a lot of debate at the moment about using erm pages for poetry and some poets have actually starting using , writing from the wrong side and , and , and , and writing in the shape of a poem , for instance , if , what poem I was thinking off was a , was a waterfall so it was cascading the words cascading , you almost have to pick , ha , ha , have a choice of , of words that you want to fit into a particular thing , erm I think that 's had its place , but I think it can be a bit off putting as well , yeah , but it exciting , yeah definitely .
15 Considered to be the most important Mafia informer since Tommaso Buscetta [ see p. 33792 ] , Mannoia 's decision to provide information was said to have been prompted by the murder in April of his younger brother , himself alleged to be a Mafia killer .
16 The theories in question arose originally out of a joining together of empirical research and clinical observation , some of which go right back to the very earliest descriptions of schizophrenia and it is therefore instructive to consider , first , what Bleuler himself believed to be the essential features of the ‘ disease ’ that he had named .
17 So one thing that was mentioned this morning was somebody wanted to be able to be more persuasive in order to put a point of view across .
18 One badly wounded , police looking for two more , at least one of them thought to be wounded .
19 This situation would be the phenomenalist 's ideal ; all such non-observation statements would be strongly verifiable , and sceptical doubts about them shown to be impossible .
20 ‘ Are n't you frightened to be here alone ? ’ asked the visitor .
21 Although she loved her work , never before had she wished to be on duty on a day off .
22 A controversial television documentary at the end of 1983 on timber-frame houses , which led to a tumble in share prices for leading house-builders , was itself attacked for being ‘ technically ill-informed and misleading ’ .
23 But a hundred things should have indicated to you that my father is a figure of unusual distinction from whom you may learn a wealth of things were you prepared to be more observant . ’
24 In other words are you prepared to be totally persistent ?
25 What 's she got to be scared of me for ?
26 ‘ What time have you got to be back ? ’ said Lee .
27 Have you got to be more specific with your requests ?
28 Jezrael asked in surprise , ‘ What have you got to be sorry for ? ’
29 ‘ What have you got to be happy about ? ’ he wondered .
30 It 's not what they said , it 's the looks you got from some of the screws , as if to say , ‘ You should n't be laughing , what have you got to be happy about ? ’
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