Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] came to " in BNC.

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1 I naturally came to this conclusion only with the greatest reluctance ; it was no easy matter for me , the responsible commander , to abandon my dreams of hope and victory !
2 and then previously I worked at neighbourhood office , and I only came to when it had be d been declared a clearance area ,
3 ‘ On the last tour I basically played the same thing every night and I suddenly came to the realisation that I was n't progressing as much as I should .
4 On the last tour I basically played the same thing every night and I suddenly came to the realisation that I was n't progressing as much as I should
5 I finally came to the churchyard , ‘ Titty-Bottle Park ’ , where there were literally dozens of kids running about the tombstones .
6 I had only recently heard of the existence of such places , but I gradually came to the conclusion that she was running a small brothel of which she herself was the centre of interest .
7 Edward Cody of the AP and I once came to the conclusion that in every interview we conducted in Lebanon , a special chair should be set aside for The Plot — since The Plot invariably played a leading role in all discussions we ever had with politicians , diplomats or gunmen .
8 I quickly came to the conclusion that it was not . ’
9 As I was quite unable to organise the shop myself and continue with my studies at the university I quickly came to the conclusion that I would have to appoint a temporary manager .
10 It is the only gadget I have ever bought which actually got pushed under the settee where it gathered dust for several years before I really came to terms with it .
11 John asked me to help him the following year as I often came to Stamford to see my mother .
12 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
13 There was a continual potential for conflict between the two cultures , which eventually came to a dramatic crisis in the San Antonio area .
14 They later transferred the letters patent to Casey during some negotiations which eventually came to nothing .
15 The first day of each survey was crucial in sorting out minor problems for the interviewers which only came to be recognized once the fieldwork was under way .
16 In calling on Congress for this aid the President outlined the broad policy , which soon came to be known as the Truman Doctrine .
17 This was a predominantly Protestant force which soon came to be regarded as repressive and bigoted by the Catholic minority .
18 Which just came to me that moment .
19 Under Roman-Dutch law , which gradually came to be enforced in the Low Country , all children were allowed a share in the inheritance .
20 This implication was later firmed up by the Sages of the Second Commonwealth to become a fully-fledged rabbinic declaration of exemption embracing nearly all of the positive commandments whose fulfilment depended upon a specific time of the day or year — an exemption which rapidly came to be viewed in terms of actual exclusion ( Kidd .
21 BURMAH , the oil group which nearly came to grief in the 1970s stock market crash , was one of the few shares to resist Barclays de Zoete Wedd 's gloomy forecast on shares .
22 To develop his system , the idea for which probably came to him during a passing involvement with cable trams , Holroyd Smith built three experimental miniature lines in Halifax during 1883–4 .
23 George III employed Barnard as chief agent in his lifelong endeavour to build up a new collection , which later came to be known as the King 's Library .
24 The central target of the new rationalism , however , was the chorus , which now came to be seen as an anomalous relic of the past .
25 Again the drone of the plane seemed to echo a deeper unease , which again came to the surface of her mind .
26 Phormio 's alliance was hardly , given the distance of Akarnania from Athens , the considered policy of the Athenian Assembly — the general just made it on the spot — and may have been mere opportunism , for Athens made many alliances which never came to anything and were not expected to .
27 In Shepherd 's Bush , where he grew up , he and his family suffered an incident in which the police , who had surrounded the house in order to arrest Christie 's brother ( on a charge which never came to court ) then burst in and carried out the violent , unprovoked arrest of Christie and his father .
28 Greater Manchester Police are now looking into other aspects of the murder inquiry including this interview with a policeman witness under hypnosis which recently came to light .
29 As she lay in the dark , listening to the moan of the wind above the crash of the waves , she slowly came to the realisation that , although she had lost her father , his spirit would give her strength to go on without him .
30 She did n't mean to , but she finally came to terms with the lateness of the hour with a yawn ; it was already happening before she could stop it .
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