Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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31 About the fishes who swallow human sins , and carry them away to the ocean .
32 I gave one of them away to the .
33 He took me in his arms and carried me downstairs to the library , where he put me in front of the fire , and gave me a glass of wine .
34 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the cart .
35 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the vessel .
36 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the room .
37 And this brings me finally to the link between circumcision and menstrual taboo .
38 The zoo-man at the turnstile 'd come rushing out and Vern 'd get scared and drag me away to the place where he 'd hidden my …
39 After we had broken fast in the small buttery which adjoined the kitchen , Benjamin dragged me outside to the gardens .
40 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
41 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
42 Seeing himself as the peacemaker among his fellow monarchs , and adopting as his motto Beati Pacifici ( Blessed are the Peacemakers ) , he repeatedly refused to commit himself wholeheartedly to the Protestant cause .
43 Tom himself said it was because he had to work hard at school at subjects other than music , he could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the flute .
44 Confronted with a party weighted in favour of the clerical , he nevertheless took a thoughtful look at Hugh Beringar , and addressed himself rather to the secular justice .
45 Pennethorne protested that since 1845 , he had devoted himself entirely to the Office 's work and now found that he had lost all his work .
46 For example the German scholar who wrote a monumental life of Philip Augustus in six volumes and , in the process , came to study Richard 's career with great thoroughness , believed that " he had abandoned himself entirely to the pleasures of Messina where the women seemed very seductive to warriors from the North " .
47 ‘ I had n't heard about Doug but in a case of murder , nobody close to the victim gets overlooked . ’
48 Emile Durkheim ( 1959–1917 ) addressed himself directly to the question of punishment to a much greater extent than either Marx or Weber ever did .
49 This surrender was legitimized only if the monarch devoted himself unsparingly to the good of the state and his subjects .
50 ‘ As the intention of the Society is to form Veterinary Physicians and Surgeons intended to be dispersed throughout the Kingdom to exercise usefully their art , the Professor will teach the residing pupils only the most important difference between the two medicines — that of the human body , and that of Cattle — he will confine himself strictly to the teaching of the Veterinary Science . ’
51 Naisbitt is a shrewd observer and in practice he does not limit himself strictly to the confines of content analysis .
52 Masklin lowered himself carefully to the floor and crept forward .
53 Two years later in 1738 he married Mrs Miller 's sister , Susanna Kennet , linking himself securely to the Chelsea circle .
54 Up to the age of thirty or so he appeared to devote himself mainly to the social life of various celebrated Parisian salons .
55 The owners of the woods were bound to present their woodwards to the Justice of the Forest on their appointment , and at every subsequent Forest Eyre , to take an oath to perform their duties faithfully .
56 From the beginning , the evening bore all the hallmarks of success , Luke adapting himself immediately to the light holiday mood of Sam and Anna , and sweeping Merrill along with him .
57 Convinced that there were practical solutions to the social evils of his day , he devoted himself particularly to the temperance movement .
58 The Consul General addressed himself exclusively to the Substitute in slow , accurate Italian , pronounced with his native accent .
59 ‘ We are all men of the world ’ — he excluded the Archdeacon from eye contact and addressed himself exclusively to the Dean — ‘ so of course we know , do we not , that problems of that sort for young clergy bring with them all kinds of undesirable connections .
60 Notice that Paul does not tie himself legalistically to the details of Jesus 's words .
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