Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such nurses need to benefit from an individual appraisal and assessment of their experience and skills so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped .
2 As a legal precedent section 2(5) of the 1981 Education Act was significant because it was addressed directly to governing bodies and assigned a primary role to them rather than the local authorities .
3 Because much of the product is already familiar to readers this review will concentrate , so far as is possible , on the upgrades and the reasons behind them rather than the existing features .
4 The advantage of the hybrid model is that the courts retain some control over the regulatory rules in the sense that they are not bound to give effect to them rather than the general law if they are considered unreasonable .
5 This may well be the man in me rather than the man of God . ’
6 They contacted me rather than the police , and we 've had our own doctor patch him up . "
7 I like them better than the modern ones .
8 ‘ The 1990 NSR250 suited me better than the ‘ 89 version , which used to suffer from bad front wheel slides .
9 It cost me less than a tenner and for swingtipping and springtipping it was brilliant .
10 On modern totalitarianism there is a kinship of interest between them deeper than the ocean and higher than the stars .
11 But police say the IRA message gave them less than an hour to respond .
12 SIR , — Most commentators would describe ‘ life-terminating acts without explicit request of patient ’ ( LAWER ) as non-voluntary euthanasia but the Dutch do not because euthanasia was defined for the Remmelink report only as ‘ intentionally taking the life of a person upon his or her explicit request by someone else than the person concerned ’ .
13 Interesting high-profile autobiographies that drop names like confetti : in Well , I Forget The Rest ( Hutchinson , £17.99 ) , Quentin Crewe , thrice-married , confesses : ‘ It has never taken me longer than a week-end to fall in love , usually less . ’
14 Odder , though , that the killer , assuming there is a killer , did n't use it to dry himself rather than the smaller tea towel . ’
15 Although he blamed himself rather than the department for his own failure , making comments like ‘ I 'm just not an academic basically ’ and ‘ I do n't think there 's a lot wrong with the course , if you want to do an academic course ’ , the path he saw himself as taking seemed directly opposed to the departmental ethos ; stating that he did n't want to do ‘ anything theoretical ’ , he told me that he wanted to train to be a nurse .
16 Thinking himself better than the other men .
17 On the whole the scene is quiet , quieter at least than you would expect considering that this is one of the most important wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in France , the great distributing centre for the primeurs of the astonishingly fertile and productive areas of the Vaucluse and the Comtat Venaissin. — areas which less than a hundred years ago were desperately poor , inadequately irrigated , isolated for lack of roads and transport , earthquake-stricken , devastated by blights which destroyed the cereal crops and the vines .
18 Its more than a hundred and seventy years old and is now derelict , but conservationists hope it will be renovated by whoever buys it .
19 A further series of ‘ county ’ books is that devoted to ‘ The Making of the English Landscape ’ , of which more than a dozen have appeared under the Hodder & Stoughton imprint .
20 Margaret Thatcher once pleaded that it would be the ‘ cruellest thing ’ for her colleagues to unseat her after she had obtained for them more than a decade in power .
21 Anyone with a slightly cynical bent would have initial difficulty being convinced by the Inspirals ' contentment with their shrunken market — as someone who last saw the Inspirals dwarfed by a wealth of pyrotechnics and gargantuan lighting at Reading , your correspondent can only assert the view that their new scaled-down persona does them more than a few favours .
22 I have lived among them more than a third of my life , and still I do not understand them .
23 Having said that , the £1.6 billion reduces to £0.7 billion once the time-value of money is taken into consideration , and this will be reduced yet again once the Government accepts proposals for Deferred Safestore which we submitted to them more than a year ago .
24 It took them more than an hour to control .
25 If we continue supplying the Reds , we will be helping them more than the Blues .
26 Nothing terrifies them more than the responsibility of choosing .
27 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
28 But that ‘ phone call was going to cost me more than a Big Mac .
29 His self-pitying speech reveals his worthlessness : ( " I may say " " Alas , woe is me " " : I love you more than my life , you hate me more than a goat hates the knife . " )
30 And I Queensbank and he would n't even give me more than a fiver !
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