Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lower them slowly to shoulder height .
2 They were off Burnmouth by sunrise , where the rowers rested awhile , for Ramsay had bargained with the fishermen to take them onward to Dunbar , in a repetition of the previous escape .
3 He did not go so far as to offer to guide them onward to Gilsland , by night , since that would have been to insult the Armstrongs , Jardines and Johnstones .
4 The element of distortion and the handling of the space in these paintings relates them intimately to Cubism , although most Cubist painting is close , too , in feeling to the more constructive and austere portraits , still lifes and landscapes .
5 That there are distanciations and self-reflexivities is apparent , but to attribute them mechanically to Brecht or to modernism is formalist in its most naive sense .
6 I 've brought out a pack of cards , but when you know you 've got them only to while away the hours , they are as exciting as a stack of washing up .
7 The revelations of evil that I had experienced had brought me only to confusion and powerlessness .
8 Indeed any attempt to relate them prematurely to reality may restrict the development of the model .
9 And because we 'd found self-esteem , we had the courage to go and sell ourselves successfully to employers .
10 Someone close to Mr Mandela described him yesterday as a chess player five moves ahead of anyone else in the game .
11 he 's changed his tomorrow to Moscow
12 Her joking tone matched his almost to perfection .
13 It was her left arm , however , so she was able to write out the application to my dictation , and I got someone else to type it .
14 I think we 'll send someone else to Tokyo .
15 Sources close to the leggy catwalk queen , who signed a £1.2 million pop deal , say she has written a lot of lyrics and whoever matches them best to music will go into the studio with her .
16 By the late 1920s these cars were really in need of drastic rebuilding and from 1927 , it was possible to send them away to Hendon for this to be done properly .
17 We send them away to school — have to , living in the depths of the country .
18 They , too , had taken to helping in the hospital and Miriam could read on their pale , shocked faces some of the terrible sights they had seen ; after a little while she sent them away to bed .
19 Well , he collects up the tapes from the tape-recorder and takes them downstairs to Mrs Padmore .
20 Edward , however , was still reluctant to commit himself wholeheartedly to Balliol 's cause .
21 ‘ You and Miss Smith can go now , McGee , ’ said Wheeler curtly , addressing himself only to McGee .
22 A practising engineer until the age of forty , Albert Ayme did not throw away his slide-rule and set-square when he decided to devote himself entirely to painting .
23 Nu was no longer concerned with politics ; he devoted himself entirely to Buddhism .
24 From the time of the Russian counter-offensive in mid-November 1942 , the Wehrmacht reports — seen and amended by Hitler himself — were largely silent about Stalingrad , and Goebbels , probably not fully informed of the true situation , confined himself largely to warnings about the severity of the struggle and the need to avoid the impression that a decisive stroke was imminent .
25 A real detective superintendent investigating a murder will confine himself largely to facts and only at the height of questioning someone he is almost certain is his quarry is he likely to go into motivation as a way , as often as not , of bring about a final confession .
26 But he thought it a reasonable request to ask for a route and he took himself away to Tara 's great map room to procure maps for them .
27 Others close the pupil right down , and because of the muscular effort needed to create a small round opening , cats , crocodiles and many other nocturnal animals have pupils which close to form slits .
28 Now somebody like to Dr somebody like to .
29 But that sudden reminder of ‘ thoughts full of bitterness ’ and images too dearly loved ’ , as he expressed himself theatrically to Southey , subdued his high spirits only briefly .
30 Frank looked from one to the other , and then , addressing himself solely to Peggy , he said , ‘ You 'd better hang on to something , Peggy .
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