Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [noun sg] than " in BNC.

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1 Fully 77 per cent of our panel throughout the campaign rated these issues as ‘ extremely important ’ for their voting choice , but television news gave them less coverage than defence , though more than unemployment and inflation .
2 This seems to be a major bugbear of some guns , making them harder work than applying the adhesive from a tube .
3 Journalists can do little about legal costs and insurance , but they should be well versed in the legal defences which give them more latitude than is commonly thought .
4 ‘ She outlined her regard for the children and made the point that she showed them more attention than the Prince of Wales appeared to . ’
5 There was not a lot of point in bringing these gifts , since her father 's allotment kept them well supplied with fresh vegetables ( although he did not grow sweet peas , considering them more trouble than they were worth ) .
6 The fact that lexical choices are optional gives them more weight than grammatical choices .
7 While banks welcome the change , some critics fear it could do them more harm than good .
8 This is vintage Saddam : over the past 21 years he has swung between killing Iraqi Kurds and offering them more self-rule than the Kurds in Turkey , Iran or Syria can dream of .
9 The first GPs of the season brought me more success than I 'd ever dreamed . ’
10 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
11 Nowadays , although I am not prepared to take too many risks , riding brings me more pleasure than ever .
12 So this was London at last , and nothing gave me more pleasure than strolling around my new possession all day .
13 ‘ Taking them into Europe gave me more satisfaction than anything I 've done in my career , ’ he said .
14 Joint interests could cause you more concern than anything else and you may feel that a partner has bungled matters here .
15 He says to me , ‘ Tip , I 'm going to give you more money than anyone 's ever given a caddie before , but just look after my clubs .
16 It makes you more mine than if there 'd been others or if your marriage had been real . "
17 I mentioned that there are a few basic rules which you should bear in mind if your exercising is not to do you more harm than good .
18 EXERCISING in front of a keep-fit video on your television is likely to do you more harm than good , says the magazine Which ?
19 But for him to go self-employed will cost him more money than doing it on the bl black market .
20 The following day the Irish Times headlined the company 's intention to remain in Ireland , giving it more prominence than a Cabinet statement .
21 The Holst work is played in an unusually emphatic manner , which in the end gives it more stature than it sometimes achieves in performance ( the composer himself recorded this work with rather similar regard to rhythm and accents , but used faster tempos ) .
22 The political élite paid it more attention than it did radio , even though the latter had a greater importance insofar as size of audience was concerned .
23 Informally put , in the case of an oligopolistic market this can be achieved by an agreement which specifies that the punishing firms choose outputs or prices which yield them higher profit than at the collusive allocation , so that they would actually gain in the punishment phase .
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